Thursday, July 18th, 2013


Get bit by the stripey horse, end up in London? Crumbles? What did you do? This is your fault [...] somehow.

I told you to keep the damn stripey horse away from me. Also where the fuck are you?
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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Hey. How are you holding up?

I don't know if you're busy or if you even like this sort of stuff but I need help with decorating my shop. Would you want to help?
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

not fun drinking ain't [...] very fun, s'true.
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

[Family, inlaws included, all worlds]

Role call? So we can get a list going of who's still here and who's been taken away?

If anyone needs company, I'm likely going to be up most of the night, and I'm leaving the door unlocked. I know some of you are searching, but if you get hungry or just want tea before you go back to looking, come over. It's what I do when I'm upset. I cook, I bake, and generally try to be productive. It's that or quidditch, and I don't really feel up to that. I'm sure the rest of you can imagine.

But please, roll call?
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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

weather's real nice here, you know. not so much rain. course, i like rain just fine. both the soft ones and the hard prickly ones. but the sun's nice. i suppose whoever's in charge of making this place did a right lovely job thinking about details like that.

so whatre you lot doing here? i want to see other businesses.

im orsino. its nice to meet you.

[ duke ]
want to explore? im going to go but ill get lost and its more fun to get lost with other folks.
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

JSP and ASP are here. Merlin, they look much better in person than in those old photos Pops had stashed. Now, just pretend you didn't spend the last sixteen years reading about their lives.

I think today's a great day for lounging by the pool. Any takers?
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Wednesday, June 12th, 2013


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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

booze & biscuits for anyone who needs em.

Now who wants to take me on a date?

added later
I'm mad at you now.
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I needs a Poppa Pads pile, please. Right now.
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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

we need a pub asap.

my heart is fucking racing

I'm an addict for dramatics I confuse the two for love.

it was more fun when we were betting on who I could sleep with.
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You know...

I would do what I did before, but there isn't really as much of a call for it, so I guess now is the time to decide what else to do. Astronaut is out. Unfortunately.
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You know, I'd say that my job as a bartender might be fun, but I don't think most of you have much trouble with mixing your own drinks.

[ padfeet and moonys beyond his own ]
I'm having such a 'bad dog' feeling.
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My shop and my museum are both here! Calling all geeky and nerdy types who want to help me build my gaming/comic shop and my Wizarding history museum back up! I'm so happy I could cry.
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Tuesday, May 28th, 2013





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Monday, May 20th, 2013

Food Porn )

So these, I gather, have been commandeered for birthday celebrations. All credit to my daughter.

More Food Porn )

This, on the other hand, is my own work. First come, first serve, eat at your own risk?
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Tuesday, May 21st, 2013


Well, one of the good things about being from a time when only a few people know your birthday is that no one remembers to give your birthday slaps on the bum.
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Monday, May 20th, 2013

I'm tired.

[Regen world]
There's a Justin here. He's not mine, though.
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Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Who: Jamie and Ara Blackregen
When: Monday, April 22, at night
What: Some sibling bonding time, nbd
Warning: Most likely none

Read more... )
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

Who: Ara Blackregen and Bran Lupinsquib
What: Trying to find a way to interact in a world without extreme emotion and lots of rules is easier said than done.
When: Saturday right before this.
Where: Out in town
Warning: Probably a bit of awkwardness and some feeeelings that aren’t really feelings.

Read more... )
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Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

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