Saturday, June 29th, 2013

I bought a reading chair today! Who needs a living room set when you have a reading chair?

Fawkes, you are not allowed to sit in it. It's a me-only work of art.

Unless you ask nicely. I'm such a sucker for manners.
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013


Okay, maybe I'm slow, buuuut, I feel entirely unemployable in this perfect little town. I mean, there's no place here for a model-slash-auror. NO PLACE. And let's be real, I haven't even started auror training back home, so THERE IS NO PLACE HERE FOR A KNICKERS MODEL. Like, what am I going to do, walk up and down the street in my undies? Nope.

Someone employ me. I'm pretty and I smell nice.
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Will there be a Ministry that represents the non-magical population? Otherwise, I don't believe it ought to be called a Ministry Council of Magic or Heads of Magical Law Enforcement or Heads of Magical Transportation, etc. There is a decent number of those here, like myself, with no magic either because their world does not have it or they simply were not born with it. Laws and transportation and governing bodies are just as applicable to those of us without magic as those with and we, as a community, will have to accomodate both, not one or the other.

[added later]
I vote that we have a Ministry. Not a magical or mundane Ministry, just a Ministry that represents both parts of our community, with a department for law enforcement and a department of transportation and so on and so forth. I understand that many of you are accustomed to a Ministry for Magic but I don't think, in this context, it's an accurate representation of all the people who live here now.
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Emmeline Vance is gone. She was heading up the setup of law enforcement in this new home base and starting training for those interested. I don't want her work to be in vain so I'd like to continue organizing that and setting it up. Anyone who was interested, let me know. I could also use someone with magic to help out in organizing and training because that's an area I just can't help with.
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Private )

[ ... ]

So. A year. I c
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Friday, May 31st, 2013

Football game. Right now.

Or I can play alone if I have to.
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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Who: Hannah & Jane Potterswap
What: Talking about sad things.
When: Wednesday, 29 May; Afternoon
Where: Hannah and Fawkes' flat.
Warnings: Sads.
Status: Threaded, incomplete.

Quote )
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[her jane]
Hullo, Jane. I was wondering if, when you have the time, we could sit down a talk. There are things about my future and your future and the future of your world that I think are important for you to know. There are things I haven't told you because it's [...] complicated and I thought it was better to get a bit more used to this strange, magic-filled place before I put anything else on your shoulders so I apologize preemptively for withholding important information. Just know it was only because I thought it was for the best.

Now that I've effectively written the most ominous ward ever [...] well, I'd also just like to see you.
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If anyone has any form of law enforcement experience and would be interested in continuing, please respond here. I'd like to get an idea about what type of protection skills we have among us.
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Monday, May 27th, 2013

[newest hannah]
So [...] you haven't told your mum who you are?
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Sunday, May 26th, 2013

A magicless Jane with a convertible named Evans. I think she's mine.
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This, this is what I call a good prank. A bit ill-timed, but we'll work on that for the next one. Who'd you hire to play the scientist? And was I drugged? Because I don't think I took that long to change into this thing that you'd be able to completely rebuild the building around me but I didn't really wake up feeling drugged. Didn't really feel like I was waking up come to think of it. Bravo!

ANYWAY, Sirilla? You can come out now and we'll talk timing for the next one. And our victim. Also the bit about magic has to go. I think we're all a bit old for that, yea? Now, where is Evans?
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Saturday, May 18th, 2013

[ Private ]

Why now? Hannah's done it, Riddle's been locked up. You can't tell me her followers are still bitter, not after being so thoroughly trounced. They ought to be licking their wounds, not capturing people. And certainly not letting them walk around and keep their things and encouraging them to talk amongst themselves with the strangest piece of tech I've ever seen. And there's a block to my cell. And the palm pilot. Bloody useful hunks of plastic they are now. I could still use them as weapons, though.

[ End]

Commander Fawkes.
Serial number 294508.
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I've been kidnapped from the Lestrange manor and brought to a compound where I'll be housed with other's as experiments and tested?

I've lost it haven't I? None of this is logical. There has to be something logical to explain it and it's simple. I've been killed or I've bloody lost it. No. That mark still hurts so I'm not dead. I've gone and lost it then.

What are Ronnie and Hannah going to do without me? Why do I even bother asking that I know the answer. I can't have died, they'll die without me there to make sure they stop fighting long enough to get through this.
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