Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Nice day.

Ward to Vee
So, I'm actually starting to think that the catch is that there isn't one. Pinch me so I know I'm not just dreaming all this?

Ward to Arayna, Abby and Siri
So I could use some sisterly advice.
big sparkly rock )
I picked it up back in the Valentine's world ... now I'm worried it's too busy. Is it too busy?

I'm not sure when yet. Probably not until after my birthday's out of the way.
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Sunday, July 7th, 2013

You take my daughter, again, and you expect me to play a fucking video game?

I'm going back to my house. Anyone else who doesn't want to waste their time go through the 'home' tunnel.
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Saturday, July 6th, 2013

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Saturday, June 29th, 2013

I bought a reading chair today! Who needs a living room set when you have a reading chair?

Fawkes, you are not allowed to sit in it. It's a me-only work of art.

Unless you ask nicely. I'm such a sucker for manners.
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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Just send me the fuck back already.

I'm out.
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Has anyone seen Harry from my world? Where is my son?
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Plan ahead.

Doctor Omicron and Alpha
I’d like to formally request asylum, or whatever you’d call it. When this project ends, or when I can’t be kept here for whatever reason, I don’t want to be returned to my own world. And if that isn’t possible, I would at least like to retain my memories of my time in the Compound or at the very least have them restored the moment before my death […] I don’t want to die not knowing about my daughter. Given everything you’ve asked of us, this doesn’t seem like too big of a request.

How’s your day been, Ceci?

So, you given her a name yet?

His Parents and Kids (All Worlds)
So. It’s been a rough week. I love you all. If there’s anything any of you need, don’t hesitate to ask.

H. Potters, Abigail and Siri
I’ve asked not to be sent back to my own world, when this ends or […] if I’m sent away for whatever reason. I […] still feel like I’m not doing the right thing. Dying doesn’t frighten me. But I don’t want to live that lie anymore.
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

[Family, inlaws included, all worlds]

Role call? So we can get a list going of who's still here and who's been taken away?

If anyone needs company, I'm likely going to be up most of the night, and I'm leaving the door unlocked. I know some of you are searching, but if you get hungry or just want tea before you go back to looking, come over. It's what I do when I'm upset. I cook, I bake, and generally try to be productive. It's that or quidditch, and I don't really feel up to that. I'm sure the rest of you can imagine.

But please, roll call?
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

He'll be back. He came back last time. He'll be back.

Please bring him back.
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

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Friday, June 21st, 2013

Since the pub is having its grand opening, this only means one thing.

I am challenging both of my fathers and uncle to a drinking match. If you don't show up, you forfeit for being scared.


We haven't talked much, but you seem like an alright bloke. I'd share a drink with you if you'd let me.

And no, I am not hitting on you.
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Thursday, June 20th, 2013

[His Marauders]

We should all do something.
[/His Marauders]

So I decided I wanted to cook something and it seems you have to pay attention.

I set chocolate on fire.
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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

She is magnificent.
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I'm sorry if I've been unpleasant these past few days. I think I've spent enough time cooped up in our library. Would you like to go out this evening with me for a walk?

the other albus.
How are you adjusting?

What do you say to a Father/Daughter outing tomorrow?

This did not go so well.
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Next town over has a car dealership. I neeeeeeeeed one.
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Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

I was this close! Suppose that you can't win everything, can you?

Sirius and Mum got deaged. And dad got sent home. They're both so young that they don't know me anymore...

I think I'm going to try and find another flat. This one is just too quiet now.

[MumJane Potter]
I saw that you recently arrived and I thought that I should reach out and say hello. You don't know me yet, but my name is Hannah. I wanted to welcome you to the compound...even though technically this isn't the compound.

So are you now the oldest of our marauders? Have you talked to them yet?

[Dad - Luke, privated]
I'll miss you dad. It was wonderful getting to know you. I love you.

[H. Potters, Hermes, Ronnie]
Anyone free? I could use a distraction...
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Monday, June 17th, 2013

One year down.
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

And I thought I had shitty timing.
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Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Delivery to Arayna Lestrange )
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Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Warded to Friends/Family of Theo Nottheir/hope (all worlds)
Theo Nott appears to have been returned home as well.

Do the dead mourn for the living? It seems backwards [...] I'll see him again. I'll see Vee again. Eventually. After. I don't know why I believe that, but I do. [...] If there's any justice, I'll see everyone I've wronged when it's time. Maybe they'll even forgive me. Maybe then I can
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