Saturday, June 29th, 2013


I know, I know, the spectacles are hilariously adorable. In better news, I've got my bike. And will henceforth be mentally scrubbing my brain until it's clean. I wonder if I can obliviate myself.

[His Remus]
I might've picked up smoking.
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Monday, June 24th, 2013

jolene, jolene, jolene...

    Hey, kiddo. How are you doing?
It's a Dolly-Parton-someone-stole-my-dog-and-my-car-and-my-trailer-and-now-I-play-killer-guitar kind of day. I'm also out of cigarettes. And whiskey. Is it still Thursday?
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Another week. Every day I miss my sister more and more. And now there's a new me. Mum's me...

[THG Regulus]
Hi there. I'm Regina. The girl you.

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Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Must be all that fresh air.
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Thursday, June 13th, 2013

That could have ended worse. It really could have At least I didn't fall on anyone. Good work, Regulus

Thank you for the party and everything yesterday.

A rock?

You sent a rock. Why did you pick a heart-shaped one?

Um But honestly, a rock?

[...] Thank you I suppose.

[his Sirius]
Sorry if I snapped at you. Please don't do anything stupid
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Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Happy birthday. I hope it is not too terrible of a birthday. Do you have plans for the day?

Added in a bit later...

Regina would like to go to Greece for the day for her birthday. Would you like to come along?
(7 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

    I told Sirius I'd set up the tavern for a small little get-together for Regulus' birthday party. The problem is I'm rather terrible at putting things together — so, I thought we could have a family decorating party, perhaps?

    Andromeda, darling, I'm counting on you especially.
    Hello there. I don't believe we've formally met, but I'm Andromeda Black — from the Games world. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and invite you to the tavern this evening, if you'd like to join us.
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Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

I hope you enjoyed the birthday Padfoot wakeup. Happy birthday, Regulus.

Warded to: Padfeet, Walburga, Alphard, Narcissas, Andromedas, Sir Bella, Castor
We're taking Regulus out of town for the day but I think he'd like having everyone together when we get back for a small thing. Can someone throw it together and make sure Regina ends up there too?

(ooc: totally my bad)
Happy birthday, littlebig sister. You'll get slobbers tonight, so be prepared.
(20 comments | Leave a comment)

Happy fucking Birthday to me. I'm thirty. Old. And she's not even here to tease me about it. Fuck this place.

Happy Birthday Boyface. Let's have lunch or something. Suddenly I'm not really feeling like a huge party.
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Emmeline Vance is gone. She was heading up the setup of law enforcement in this new home base and starting training for those interested. I don't want her work to be in vain so I'd like to continue organizing that and setting it up. Anyone who was interested, let me know. I could also use someone with magic to help out in organizing and training because that's an area I just can't help with.
(43 comments | Leave a comment)

Sirilla where the fuck are you? I've been waiting outside your house for an hour. Hello? Breakfast?
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Friday, June 7th, 2013

I know I've been quiet but it's just that I haven't had a greenhouse all to myself in awhile.

That being said, I have loads of extra herbs and things for any potion makers out there.

And anyone is welcome to tend to the plants but you might want to let me know first because some of them are very particular

Warded to Mum
Do you want to spend some time together? Maybe have dinner or something?
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Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Tick tock, everyone.

[Warded to everyone who responded here and anyone else interested in law enforcement]
If you're still interested, I'm going to start training tomorrow morning. I've had enough of all of this talk, no action, so show up of you're willing so we can get to work.
(35 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Speaking of physical training, are any of you sorcerers lot trained in the martial arts? I'm sure magic is useful for fighting but you seem rather limited to those sticks. Knock it away and hand-to-hand could be a nice surprise. Plus, it's fun.

Wouldn't mind setting up some sort of classes or even a dojo if anyone's interested. Sorry for the lack of shirtless photo, but I have to give you a reason to come, yea?

[ hannah ]

I just realized I'm 26 years old and this is the first time I've been away from the academy since I was eleven, minus the year training at the JIC. You're my first actual flatmate.
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Thursday, June 6th, 2013


[his Narcissa]
Sirius and I are going to be working on brooms. This may end tragically. I thought I should warn you ahead of time. This way you will hardly be surprised by my untimely and yet utterly predictable demise.

Don't fear too much. I'll do my best to prevent such an occurrence.

Out of curiosity [...] has anyone started a Quidditch store?
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Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Kaaaay guys, who wants to taste test?

Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Lover Cupcakes )
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What we really need here is a food delivery service and a time machine, this way someone could bring me a sandwich five minutes ago.
(87 comments | Leave a comment)

Drinking alone is stupid. And painful. I saw something about a pub. Can you lot hurry up with that, yeah?

Also, is anyone ever going to step up and take the lead here? It's really hard to enforce laws when there aren't any laws to enforce. My job's getting fucking boring.

We don't spend enough time together here. At home we're always together. You and me and Han. You're my sister. I'm old and alone and drunk and it all just sucks without you. I'm nearly 30, but I still need my big sister.
(25 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Oi, Sirilla. Open a pet store with me.
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[his Sirius]

There is a lot to think about. I'm tired Does anyone want to go flying?
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