Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

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Thursday, June 20th, 2013

her Harry, James, Remus and Sirius
How are my boys doing today?
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

And I thought I had shitty timing.
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Is Mr. Slytherin gone too? He didn't show up for my lesson this morning.
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Well. I'm definitely not in London anymore. Maybe? I don't know. This looks like a village, not a compound. Can anyone see this? I'm pretty sure a homeless person chloroformed me, dragged me into some back alley clinic, and tried to convince me I've been kidnapped to live as a lab rat by a group of mad scientists. They, of course, counted themselves among the latter regime of dastardly brains, tasked with poking and prodding the puny humans to discern what makes them tick. Now, that being said, I would totally discount it if London wasn't (a) not London, and (b) so bloody empty. Seriously. Where is everyone? And everything? The streets aren't the same, nor are the buildings, ergo this is not London. Ergo, where have I been kidnapped to? Please don't say compound run by mad scientists. Please.

P.S. Where's Gamma Block? Is it a street? I have a flat you know. It's on NOT Gamma Black.
P.P.S. Can someone contact my Editor and tell him that his most favorite and efficient junior photographer, Prudence Creevey, has been kidnapped in the name of SCIENCE?
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Why?  Why did Alpha have to take both of my best mates.  BOTH Ernie and Justin?!  Really?

You couldn't have left one of them with me?  Now our home we shared feels so utterly empty.  I didn't care that Justin was from another world. He was still Justin and we were still best mates.

All I want to do now is visit the bar and have a drink or two.  I just feel sad and drinking can help me forget how sad and lonely I am all of a sudden.
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Er- I have to give a charms practical for fifth years tomorrow so I should probably get going.

How did I get here anyway?
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Has anyone seen Janie? I've been trying to reach her, to no response.
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But I-

I'm going to find our flat making star-shaped sandwiches. I'll be busy.

[his Justin]
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Please come back to me.
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James Sirius Potter, Big Damn Heroes.

Is my room still free?
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[...] I swear, it doesn't matter how much experience I get with the wizard world, I continue to be utterly baffled by it. This place looks a bit interesting, though. Some of these buildings don't quite look like they belong together.

[...] And the feel of it all seems a little [...] familiar.
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Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

It is really rude to not tell someone you're living with that there is a good possibility of them walking in on you playing naked adult twister with someone. NEXT TIME USE A SOCK, CHARLIE. AND I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOUR ANIMAL FACES THE SAME, EVER AGAIN, TONKS.

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Monday, May 27th, 2013

I like this place.

[toma, alby, janie]
I don't know what you all were planning to do about a house, but if you still want me to stay with you, I want to. Wherever you've decided to stay. But I'm going to stay with my mum tonight, okay?
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her Harry
I don't know where you would like to stay, and if you choose to stay with Albus, that is perfectly alright, but I will always have a room for you at my house, okay, love?

And your godfather, Sirius, is here. Have you spoken to him yet?
her Sirius
How are you settling in?

I talked to Harry and he'd really like to meet you. Are you free for dinner any particular day this week?
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Sunday, May 26th, 2013

[ gamma block ]
I trust you lot are safe and accounted for. Your cooperation was appreciated.

Make yourselves at home.

[ toma, albus, harry, & jane ]
I will not be offended if you take this opportunity to build a home of your own. That said, I will be doing the same, and you are welcome to continue residing with me.
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Seems... fairly safe so far.

[Potters and Black-sheep Blacks]

Since it doesn't look like anyone is being assigned anywhere particular, I thought it would be nice if we could all stay somewhat close to each other. Find or build places just a short walk from each other?

Mari, would you like to move in with James and I?
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Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

We've been to a world like this one before. As such. Notes from that world:

Potential risks:
  • Dinosaurs are dangerous. But last time they were vulnerable to magic. However. Do not hunt for sport. Last time a group did and had a barbecue which was admittedly pretty good. However, after Gamma I think it was had their sinks run with blood instead of water. And Kappas got these awful miniature dinosaurs that attacked everything.

  • We should send a team on brooms out to survey the area and provide maps. Last time people were lost, or banished from the compound as punishment. Volunteers to help? Sirius Blackbaby has some to spare. Go in pairs. Watch for flyers.

  • Human contact was made with taken initially regarded as gods. Though natives quickly and inexplicably changed to hostile. Natives were invulnerable to magic.--Do not contact natives.

  • Do not camp off compound, even if locked out of your block. Last time the compound was sealed just before the native attack. And for 24 hours after that fact. Only because of a broomstick outside the compound and the actions of Harry Potter, colour, making a deal and breaking a window, were injured able to acquire medical aid. Afterward, those who left the compound were punished by their scientists in various way.

  • Most of the other troubles in this world were conflicts with a former scientist, Beta, but she's gone.
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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

3 hours 10 minutes.
8 seconds.
23 hours 44 minutes.

Fix it.
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Monday, May 20th, 2013

So it's come to my attention that in the time I've been gone, flight lessons have fallen by the wayside. As we seem to be in a world that's fairly stable and placid, I'd like to suggest reinstating them. Nothing too intensive, but everyone should know how to fly and those that do know how to fly should be able to work together.
We'll take a little time to get back on our feet, but if advanced and intermediate fliers would be willing to have a meeting after lunch tomorrow on the pitch by Tau-Pi tower. Anyone who's not comfortable on a broom, looking to learn, I'll be out there at 4:30 every day I don't have somewhere else to be. Anyone wanting to help out off ground, I'd be more than happy to have you.

-R.J. Hooch

[Warded to Captain Epsilon]
Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but any chance of getting my old things back?
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