Sunday, July 7th, 2013

This is the compound I have grown to know.  I felt like I would never hear that ticking again.

Buckle in, this may be a bumpy ride.
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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

[Abe Macnair]

I could use some Abe cuddling and all that romantic jazz.  I need to cheer myself up and who better than you?

And I wanted to tell you how sorry I am I leave you all alone.  I am really sorry bout that.

[/End Private]

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Monday, July 1st, 2013

so what if we all are just like dreaming and none of this is happening
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I realize what I was told after finding myself in the not-hospital wing, but I'm having some problems coming to terms with this... I know that the Room of Requirement gives you whatever you need, but isn't this a bit of a stretch even for it, isn't it? This isn't what I needed at all. And the way it's been explained to me this seems far fetched, even for Hogwarts, in fact I'm becoming more and more certain this is a Death Eater plot.

My name is Frank Longbottom. I'm the Defense professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I'd very much like some answers that make sense if that isn't asking too much... Alice is going to kill me...
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Sunday, June 30th, 2013

So they told me this book was for communication. Looks like a journal to me. How does a book communicate?

Looks like England. Smells like England. I bet I'm in fucking England. Great. Aloha.
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

You know how they say the men in white coats might show up and take you away? I never fucking thought that actually happened. And yet, here we fucking are. This is bullshit. Yeah, I read the pamphlet. We're in some sort of weird futuristic Orwellian nightmare, and apparently I have some bird with my basic DNA running around pretending she's me with tits. I actually believe that. Weirder things have happened lately. But you could have at least let me fix my flat first. I'm not getting my fucking deposit back, that's for fucking sure.

Do you think you can get burn stains off the ceiling? I'm not a handyman. Thanks, Death Eater fucks. And why did you have to bring my cat? The photos - I get, that's nice, thanks for the memories. But Eddie is an old grumpy bastard. I would've rather left him with my mum. Look at this face. He hates it here.

So, yeah. Dorian Meadowes. Nice to meet all of you and shit.
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Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

So, am I supposed to get a job or something. I've never had a job. I don't even know what I'd do.

I can cook, so... Is there a restaurant that needs a chef?
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Epsilon Block
I have finished the set up of my own quarters in our little community. When I am not inside the compound, I will be likely in my home, which is situated not far from the grounds of the compound. Epsilon House is large enough to accommodate any of my block whom do not wish to live alone. If you would prefer to live with company, the invitation is open, and simply let me know that you would like to.

Don't mind Mo, he's as gentle as a lamb.

As for my office hours, they will be in need of revision. My days are rather booked during the daytime hours but I will now be holding office hours from 4pm to 7pm, generally in my study, at Epsilon House. You may reach me anytime via journal as well but I am scheduling those hours in the day for any business pertaining to our block.

And, as many have wondered, I will be once again doing my morning regiment at 6am every morning.

To those who lost someone with the recent departures, I offer my condolences. Truly, I do.
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Emmeline Vance is gone. She was heading up the setup of law enforcement in this new home base and starting training for those interested. I don't want her work to be in vain so I'd like to continue organizing that and setting it up. Anyone who was interested, let me know. I could also use someone with magic to help out in organizing and training because that's an area I just can't help with.
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Okay, well that was so quick I feel like I got whiplash.  How nice of you freaks to let me see the last five more seconds of my life.  At least I got one more hit in at the end.

Anyways, this does not look like Christmas world.  Did the world change in the five seconds I was gone? 

Frank? James? Anyone care to explain what is going on!
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I have to say, if this is the afterlife? I'm extremely disappointed. You could at least make some effort, hand out some wings or something. Possibly a harp, although I don't really have any use for one. Still, it would have been nice to have been offered one. I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.

Is there still telly when you're dead?
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Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

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