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flipped rpg.

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[29 Jul 2013|09:07am]
Who: Hestia and Eris.
When: tonight.
Where: A pool hall.
What: Talking. Feelings. Ish.
Rating/Status: PG/Incomplete

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[29 Jul 2013|12:01pm]
Picture behind the cut )

A new day.
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[29 Jul 2013|03:59pm]
cut for picture! )

OMM, this place is super beautiful and THE CLOTHES--The Clothes!!-- are so to die for.

Riddles, Izzy, Abby, Mum, you girls are going to be so well dressed, I can't even.

Hey, big sis. How's parenthood?
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[29 Jul 2013|08:42pm]
Fresh. New. Second.

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[29 Jul 2013|10:06pm]
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.

Have I missed my chance to audition for the Spice Girls?
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[29 Jul 2013|11:03pm]
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive. )
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