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[28 Jun 2013|03:13am]

Well, at least my glasses aren't the only ones he's fond of stealing.
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[28 Jun 2013|07:46am]
[her evan]
I miss you. Sorry I've been an awful friend.


Thank you.

I ate oatmeal for breakfast.
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[28 Jun 2013|07:59am]
I feel asleep reading a book outside... I have the weirdest sun burn right now.

Different note!
I'm thinking family dinner?
13 comments|post comment

[28 Jun 2013|08:30am]
She's gone...

Are you busy?

I don't often use profanity. But right now... fuck all of you.

Could I have a few days off?

[Melinda - so pretty much private]
Daphne writes a sad letter )
7 comments|post comment

[28 Jun 2013|11:41am]
The Healy Games Dinner Party, hosted by Andromeda Black.
Read more... )
29 comments|post comment

[28 Jun 2013|01:33pm]
    We need to talk, alright?
    How are you doing, dear?
Someone came into the library today, asking about something called a DBD... or was it DCD? I don't know. It was a circular, shiny thing. Do we have those here?
108 comments|post comment

[28 Jun 2013|02:14pm]
it's lucy in the sky and all kinds of apple pie
she giggles at the screen 'cause it looks so green
there's carpets on the pavement
and feathers in her eye

good green, good music, good feelings. fuck YES.

i found the record store.

    you owe me a pint.
158 comments|post comment

[28 Jun 2013|07:09pm]
George and Leigh
I might take a trip for a few days. Just wandering. Do you wanna come?
Kosta, Cho and Ginnyukr
Taking a trip for a little while. George and Leigh may be coming with.

If we're not back by sundown next Saturday, panic.
24 comments|post comment

[28 Jun 2013|08:36pm]
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[28 Jun 2013|09:38pm]
1. You're a terror.
2. A cupboard? Really? I think you should feel lucky that I am more amenable to your rude behaviour when I've had alcohol. And perhaps other reasons, but...
3. That wasn't fair.
4. My son was outside when I got back.
5. Apparently he smokes. I guess I don't have to hide that anymore.
6. I think perhaps my family should be more careful about suddenly finding a sense of humour. Laughing hurts after a while.
7. I don't know why this is a list, but it is.

I think we may have finally managed a broom that won't kill us.
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