flipped rpg.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
flipped rpg.

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[15 Jun 2013|01:05pm]
If you could invent anything, what would you choose?

Can I have some Lorcan time today? I've missed you a little.
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[15 Jun 2013|08:02pm]
Delivery to Arayna Lestrange )
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[15 Jun 2013|09:30pm]
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[15 Jun 2013|10:07pm]
[ ... ] I suppose I should find myself a job.
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[15 Jun 2013|11:29pm]
dunno where i put my wand. or my trousers. i oughta put my wand in a new place like.

but where else am i going to put them if not in my trousers? i move too much to put them in my shirt pockets and sometimes i dont even have shirt pockets. and i dont like shoes so i cant put them in my socks because i dont wear socks because i dont wear shoes. i oughta carry a bag maybe, but i wouldnt remember it none. how'm i supposed to remember to carry a bag if i cant even remember to wear trousers?

also i dunno where i am.
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[15 Jun 2013|11:43pm]
Oh, for God's sake. Really?
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