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[12 Jun 2013|12:12am]

I channeled all my great-granny-fu for Dora's birthday! We have TARDIS strawberry cake, and glitter pops! Come and get 'em!

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[12 Jun 2013|08:21am]
Happy birthday, little brother. It's been so long since I could say that and actually hope to get a response.
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[12 Jun 2013|09:10am]
Happy fucking Birthday to me. I'm thirty. Old. And she's not even here to tease me about it. Fuck this place.

Happy Birthday Boyface. Let's have lunch or something. Suddenly I'm not really feeling like a huge party.
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[12 Jun 2013|09:28am]
Father! It is your birthday! IWe made you a cake last night. [ ... ] It is meant to be a lemon cake. That's what Mother makes
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[12 Jun 2013|01:02pm]
I hope you enjoyed the birthday Padfoot wakeup. Happy birthday, Regulus.

Warded to: Padfeet, Walburga, Alphard, Narcissas, Andromedas, Sir Bella, Castor
We're taking Regulus out of town for the day but I think he'd like having everyone together when we get back for a small thing. Can someone throw it together and make sure Regina ends up there too?

(ooc: totally my bad)
Happy birthday, littlebig sister. You'll get slobbers tonight, so be prepared.
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[12 Jun 2013|03:45pm]
Happy birthday. I hope it is not too terrible of a birthday. Do you have plans for the day?

Added in a bit later...

Regina would like to go to Greece for the day for her birthday. Would you like to come along?
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[12 Jun 2013|04:21pm]
The beginning of the end. Twenty is only the beginning of the end. Perhaps I should just stay nineteen and avoid twenty.

Get it together, Regulus. It's your birthday. People don't want to see you upset. They want to see you happy. So be happy.


I'll be out for the day. I should be back by the evening should anyone need me.

[ooc: the journal's been charmed not to show him messages until he's back from adventuring with his family]
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[12 Jun 2013|08:14pm]
Thank you everyone for my super fantabulous birthday especial! And the AMAZING party and all the super awesome gifts! YOU ARE ALL AWESOME and I LOVE YOU!
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[12 Jun 2013|09:05pm]
REGULUS BLACK - delivered by owl at 11.58PM, June 12. )
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[12 Jun 2013|10:56pm]

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