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flipped rpg.

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[02 Jun 2013|02:16am]
Why are there so many muggle things?

I left all the coloured pencils in the compound except brown. Bella? Did you bring any with you?

Are we supposed to get jobs? I'm only ten.

Are you any good at traps?
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[02 Jun 2013|11:45am]
Mumma, Dad, do you think I could get a bike? I wanted to see if I could get a paper route or something.

[Sir Bella]
Do you want to learn to ride a bike?
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[02 Jun 2013|05:17pm]
A year later. I didn't have a clue how much I didn't know yet, then. Maybe I still don't.
And in another two months

So does the town have a name? I haven't seen one on any of the signage.
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[02 Jun 2013|11:54pm]
Soooo. This job is pretty amaaaaazing. Just saying.
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[ viewing | June 2nd, 2013 ]
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