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[31 May 2013|12:10am]
I'm homeless! Someone adopt me. I can't live on the streets. I'm too pretty to turn tricks!
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[31 May 2013|01:46am]
[his Sirius]

There is a lot to think about. I'm tired Does anyone want to go flying?
69 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|02:20am]
Oi, Sirilla. Open a pet store with me.
18 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|03:37am]
[ his remus ]

The others said
I would never
I'm so so

Talk to me? I'm sorry.

I didn't ever mean to make you feel used, Moony.
28 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|12:44pm]
I have slowly started to redecorate my old flat.  It is very slowly starting to look like home again.  Once I get settled in some more and get some more money I can really perfect this comfy abode.

Anyways, speaking of money I have been thinking about what I want to do and I don't think I want to work in the Ministry, like I did back home.  Setting up those quidditch teams set that drive inside of me.  I think I want to be a quidditch player. 

I have been practicing a little ever since we set up those teams, so my skills have not died out, which I am happy about!!

Oh and I have a free bedroom in my flat if anyone is homeless and need a place to stay.  I am a good roommate, promise!! 
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[31 May 2013|12:48pm]
WHO: Fen and Renee
WHERE: outskirts of town
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHAT: Fen is trying to tempt Renee again.
WARNINGS: possible language and most likely mentions of violence

Come with me, and you'll see... )
14 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|01:53pm]
ALRIGHT. The masses have spoken. Let's open a pub, party people. We need a place to eat, drink, and be merry without the creepy assistants in the Compound mixing our drinks. I have to do something until the Quidditch league starts and I can grab my mic again.

So. This requires:
1. An ace name that you can remember while you've had a few.
2. OF AGE people to work. No aging potions, babies.
3. Live entertainment. Oi, Minister of Music, I need you.
4. Prime real-estate.
56 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|02:04pm]
I guess I really am Grandpa Remus now since I fell asleep under a tree out back reading a book despite a large mug of tea this morning. What can I say? The sunshine warms my old bones.
52 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|02:23pm]

I understand if I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but [ ... ] I want to apologise.

I love you, but I was handling it.

I'm sorry if I insulted anyone from baby world. I didn't mean it that way, really. I know all the worlds are different, I just didn't like the feeling of being undone. I thought about it, though, and came to the realisation that it's probably how a lot of you feel all the time, since you only exist in your world. So, I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I'm glad there's a world where you exist, because I think you're all pretty fucking awesome. I just wish I was a part of it, too.
95 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|03:13pm]
Football game. Right now.

Or I can play alone if I have to.
30 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|04:05pm]
I see little necessity for a judge or barrister here and as such, I'm interested in aiding in the formation of a Ministry, under the legal division or otherwise.
17 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|04:25pm]
[The girl that makes the clothes Juniper, Padma can read]
I don't think we've really spoken before. I'm Parvati Patil from the adept world. My sister and I were going to open a clothing store. We thought we'd offer to let you sell your clothes in store if you wanted to.

What sort of businesses are cropping up outside of the pub?
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[31 May 2013|06:04pm]
I think we can put the door back on now. Also try to be gentle with Dora when she writes you.

I wish I was artistic. I would do something new with my room...
37 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|06:37pm]
[ daddy ]


[ Rare Jumper ]

[ ... ] What are you doing right now?
16 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|07:22pm]
Since I doubt my publisher exists in this world, I suppose I'll need a real job. Is there someone working at the grocers, currently?

Warded against Omegas
I know there's been some talk of setting up a local government, but is anyone in charge of organizing classes at the school? Unless Miss Omega is going to be continuing her lessons, we'll need to address it sooner or later. I personally wouldn't have any objections to letting the children have a summer break while we got that organized, though. And I really can't wait for the magical chauvinists to start objecting to the idea of them being taught anything outside of magic
42 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|07:36pm]
[ papa & unwind padfeet, + unwind and bloodswap moonys ]
Wasn't the case, by the way. I don't think he's interested in me that way after all.

Considered being a bartender, but it seems like there are a lot of you. Thought about being a mechanic, but there aren't many options out there for work. I think I'm just going to be a professional vagabond layabout.

I could teach some animagus lessons, I suppose.
61 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|08:21pm]
Warded to Louise

big picture of a ruined castle )

This is where I grew up, or what remains of it. It's not inhabitable in its current shape, of course, but I did not expect to find it here at all, since by rights it ought to be in Wales.
15 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|10:35pm]
[hexed to remus thg]
[...]-I need you.
[/end hex]

Is the bar open yet? I need a drink.

I'm not a killer. She isn't going to control me.

67 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|10:40pm]
Dumbledore, I f

42 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|10:44pm]
[Rabastans - both]
Anyone feel like a little tension release? First come first serve.
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[31 May 2013|11:30pm]
I have a bit of a silly request. Feel free to tell me if I'm being unrealistic.

Sorry I've been such a chore to live with, recently.

I know you're living with Albus and Toma, but if you ever want to stay over with me, you'll always have a room under our roof.

I haven't been the best at keeping up with all of you, but if you'll let me, I'd love to get to know each and every one of you individually.

This place is like a dream come true! I can't remember the last time I was so happy.

After this; LILY EVANS CAN
I was talking with Evan, and he's broken my heart. What do you say to having a picnic? He's never had one before.
79 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|11:36pm]
I have a pantry and can get back into training at the hospital. I think I really might cry.
2 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|11:41pm]
It's nice to have something to focus on. Still need to do a bit of decorating in my room though. Then everything will be perfect.

[Audra and Lucy]
Would either of you like a drink? I'm going to be bartending, and I need to practice. I remember a few of the basics, but I'm going to go look for a book tomorrow on different cocktails. I hope someone's manning the bookstore...

I feel like celebrating. I'm in a fabulous mood. Come over. I want to get you completely trashed and then have my way with you.
28 comments|post comment

[31 May 2013|11:51pm]
What are you guys doing about a job?

How's the house and everything going?
41 comments|post comment

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