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[29 May 2013|12:01am]
[his mum]
We need to talk, young lady.
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[29 May 2013|12:17am]
Now that housing is settled, Ron and I are looking to get the library functioning. If anyone would lik to work in the library, feel free to drop either of us a note! I'm just going to swallow my uncertainty and plan on being here for a while. Every town needs a library.
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[29 May 2013|12:17am]
I think I'm going to put wards on the house so no one can walk in unexpectedly.

That being said...

You, me, christening the cottage. No surface must go untouched!

So how's everyone's day? I hope it's been as amusing as mine.
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[29 May 2013|12:20am]
Party World, sans Lestrange.
I've got a job!
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[29 May 2013|12:45am]
Have you and Viktor figure out what you are doing?
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[29 May 2013|12:47am]
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[29 May 2013|12:58am]
How are you feeling?

[ernie, susan]
Where are you two staying?
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[29 May 2013|01:17am]
My shop and my museum are both here! Calling all geeky and nerdy types who want to help me build my gaming/comic shop and my Wizarding history museum back up! I'm so happy I could cry.
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[29 May 2013|01:22am]
I've never felt more productive than I did when I went into pediatrics. I was a barista for a long time and then I taught a few fitness classes on the side but it was never the same as putting on my scrubs, working with sick children to help them feel better. My dad was the best pediatrician I knew and it was fulfilling following in his footsteps.

I think I'll do that here, too. We have a lot of Healers but I can't imagine doing anything different.
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[29 May 2013|01:26am]
[ro, juni, her harry, bran; belatedly demelza]
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[29 May 2013|01:37am]
[theo, theodore; victorien, albus and mr. gamma, as well]
Everyone seems rather intent on establishing occupations and I was thinking that, if you have not picked a profession as of yet, we made an excellent team at the Ministry.
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[29 May 2013|01:58am]
So, I'm sure many of you recall my brief stint as Minister Saggy Bollocks a few worlds back. I need to assemble a boss cabinet for future political shenanigans. I'm not sure what I'm running for, but MRS. THEODORA THUNDERCAT LUPIN FOR WHATEVER-THE-FUCK-IT-IS.

Sorry, cats with brain injuries. You must find another surgeon. Adieu.

Who wants to be a part of my politicapocalypse?
44 comments|post comment

delivery for theo lupin-swap [29 May 2013|02:41am]
at about 6am in the morning )
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[29 May 2013|02:58am]
private )
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[29 May 2013|10:07am]
A home is where the heart is, but my heart is not here.

I had often thought that if I was to live without my parents then it would be when I was married.
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[29 May 2013|10:17am]
Astanse Assistance is required!
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[29 May 2013|10:19am]
The calm is unnerving. Is it really ours?

Am I supposed to get a job? I think I'd be bad at a job.

Not like I really ever get to find out. Oh hello, James, depression much? Fuck this.

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[29 May 2013|12:04pm]

Daddy Lupin
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[29 May 2013|12:43pm]
[OOC: Pretend this tattoo is included in these sketches.]


-Regina Black
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[29 May 2013|12:47pm]

Writing or not )
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[29 May 2013|12:55pm]
[hexed private]
I'm tired of feeling like I do.

Why can't I just force myself to be happy? Why do I have this urge to just run from everyone? I think I'm broken. Night after night I think about just asking to leave this place. Except...I don't do it. I can't. I love them all and yet I am pushing them all away.

Renee Lupin. You have so many fucking issues.
[/end hex]

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.”

87 comments|post comment

[29 May 2013|12:57pm]
AND THEN after a very long day, one might find a dirty, exhausted Sirius and a bunch of these )
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[29 May 2013|01:20pm]
Quick question, mainly for the scientists but anyone could answer.

Do we age here?

I would hope that you are only teaching the minors how to play guitar and nothing else.
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[29 May 2013|03:08pm]
Remus Lupin's, purposefully excluding Renee momentarily
I would like to know about the Greyback that is here.
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[29 May 2013|03:20pm]
her Remus and Lia
Housing preferences?
If anyone would care to join me, I'm going to head to the next town over to meet some of the shop-owners there.
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[29 May 2013|03:49pm]
Daniel? Do you want Is is proper for us to It's not like he hasn't seen Merlin We need to go house-hunting.
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[29 May 2013|03:53pm]
Okayokayokaaaaay so my flat is here but so is the house from Godric's Hollow aaaaaand I gotta say, I'm kinda digging the idea of taking the house. Because Mum&Daddy could totes show up and I wouldn't want anyone else taking it?

So yeah. If anyone needs a place to crash, the house is, like, pretty amazeballs.
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[29 May 2013|04:01pm]
If anyone has any form of law enforcement experience and would be interested in continuing, please respond here. I'd like to get an idea about what type of protection skills we have among us.
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[29 May 2013|04:01pm]
[Her friends, aka, Melinda, Juni, and Harry]
I need advice. I don't know what to do for a job. I don't know how to do anything. At least, not anything reputable.

It's so tempting though. Familiar. No. No, Daphne, no. You don't want that life. I don't want that life!
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[29 May 2013|04:07pm]
All I'm saying is this "Hogwarts" place better not be an all-year round thing. DOWN WITH EDUCATION.
56 comments|post comment

[29 May 2013|04:08pm]
[her jane]
Hullo, Jane. I was wondering if, when you have the time, we could sit down a talk. There are things about my future and your future and the future of your world that I think are important for you to know. There are things I haven't told you because it's [...] complicated and I thought it was better to get a bit more used to this strange, magic-filled place before I put anything else on your shoulders so I apologize preemptively for withholding important information. Just know it was only because I thought it was for the best.

Now that I've effectively written the most ominous ward ever [...] well, I'd also just like to see you.
4 comments|post comment

[29 May 2013|04:28pm]
WHO: Dora and Jayne Lupinbdh
WHAT: feels?
WHERE: their house
WHEN: this morning/early afternoon
WARNING: feels.

Read more... )
14 comments|post comment

[29 May 2013|04:50pm]
Was 'rockstar' on your bucket list, too?
Did it mean
Next time, can you at least have the decency
Ever heard of silencing wards?


I know this is a delayed reaction, but I'm sorry Gryffindor disappeared. Are you alright?

I really like the idea of a job. The kind you earn, and are proud of, and not one that you settle for because you have no other options.

You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home and you cry and you want to die
131 comments|post comment

[29 May 2013|04:57pm]

Brb. Dying of sugary, glittery overdooooose. Sorry purple Unicorn. You served me well!


[ooc: There are totes glittery fingerprints on this page]
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[29 May 2013|05:03pm]
Who: Hannah & Jane Potterswap
What: Talking about sad things.
When: Wednesday, 29 May; Afternoon
Where: Hannah and Fawkes' flat.
Warnings: Sads.
Status: Threaded, incomplete.

Quote )
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[29 May 2013|05:38pm]
You know, I'd say that my job as a bartender might be fun, but I don't think most of you have much trouble with mixing your own drinks.

[ padfeet and moonys beyond his own ]
I'm having such a 'bad dog' feeling.
87 comments|post comment

[29 May 2013|06:29pm]
Thoughts on job-searching:

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[29 May 2013|07:13pm]
Ability to speak multiple languages fluently (not counting Russian, but it is only a matter of time)
Good organisational skills

There has to be more. Only what?

I know nothing about muggle things or muggle money. What would I do?

I need help thinking through job options. I know I'm in school for now at least until I turn eighteen I think. So I don't know if I have to.
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[29 May 2013|07:14pm]
I was thinking... not having to worry about the war and rationing here, I could finally open a restaurant. Of course, I think I might need help with that, no one can run a restaurant alone. Any fellow cooks? Or someone that would be willing to wait and bus tables?
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[29 May 2013|07:38pm]
You know...

I would do what I did before, but there isn't really as much of a call for it, so I guess now is the time to decide what else to do. Astronaut is out. Unfortunately.
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[29 May 2013|08:43pm]
we need a pub asap.

my heart is fucking racing

I'm an addict for dramatics I confuse the two for love.

it was more fun when we were betting on who I could sleep with.
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[29 May 2013|08:51pm]
Everyone certainly seems talkative today. Not that this is an issue, but I don't think people have written quite as much before. It is a curious change.

And now to figure out what there is out there in regards to jobs. The only job I had before wouldn't exist here and I wouldn't want it to either. I would be no use to my brothers in any job they chose. Except perhaps to make sure they didn't run themselves into the ground monetarily speaking. I don't know that they'd want that.

I don't know. I'll worry about it later. Narcissa always has good ideas.
10 comments|post comment

[29 May 2013|09:33pm]
his Padfoot.
I feel like I'm missing a whole year of my life.

And that I either drank too much bourbon or not enough. I'm not sure which.

I need to go home shopping.
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[29 May 2013|09:48pm]

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[29 May 2013|09:52pm]
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[29 May 2013|10:01pm]
Who: Sirius and Remusunwind
What: Talking, hanging out, whatever bros
When: Wednesday night
Where: Their room in the big family house
Warnings: tbd.

on the back of a hurricane. )
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[29 May 2013|10:16pm]
I'm learning a lot about girls now.
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[29 May 2013|10:36pm]
Baby Girl and God Daughter

I'm probably the last person either of you want to speak to at this moment but I really don't give a damn. Both of you are completely right and Eris, I won't say that you're not right. You are. Neither of you are capable of raising a child, a thirteen old boy who is trying to find a normal place in his not so normal life.

I'm not mad. I'm not pissed off beyond belief over what happened tonight. I'm not even shocked. Part of me expected this. Why wouldn't you want Harry right? And James just happened to be under Harry's guardianship. That is understandable. I get that. You have Harry live with you and of course, James is bound to follow because Harry can't give that boy up, that would be wrong.

When it comes down to it, I'm disappointed. Promo acting out towards James was expected. None of us can blame Promo for lashing out the way he did. Regardless of your age, you are both his mothers and he is never going to think either of you differently. Promo shouldn't have lashed out as he did, but you can't blame him.

Nobody asked either of you to become mothers over night, yet when told you have a child or that you are with child, something changes. You may not feel you're ready now, but you don't have a choice. By saying you're not responsible enough to raise a child was the responsible decision, but just because you choose not to have that responsibility doesn't mean your actions won't hurt him. He is clearly reaching out to you both, and just because he says he doesn't need either of you is further proof that he needs his mums in what ever way possible.

Some of us don't ask to be mothers, we just simply become them. It is then up to us, to take on that responsibility and even though neither of you are raising him (and I still respect that decision), you still have some responsibility for the well being of that perfect little boy.
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[29 May 2013|11:02pm]
[...] I don't know if anyone else would be interested, but [...] what about a newspaper?

There are at least two photographers here and I think a few writers. Would anyone else be interested in trying to put together a newspaper? We could write about whatever we wanted.

Scientists? Would that be something we could do?
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[29 May 2013|11:41pm]
Now that the flat is starting to feel a little more like home, I suppose I ought to think jobs as well.

But what in Merlin's name does a bloke who's only ever really dealt with dragons do in a world without a reserve? Charlies, have you come up with anything?
12 comments|post comment

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