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[24 May 2013|10:11am]
For anyone that cares, Godfygu is gone.

And if we get sent back to Salem, I'd recommend none of you talk to me.

[dameface zetakins]
So I care about people and then they leave, is that it? Did you get her sent back to protect her from me? From what would probably happen if we went to Salem?

I know you can't answer that. Never mind.
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[24 May 2013|11:51am]
Salem comes, don't be fools. If this pattern holds, you don't have to do that for long.
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[24 May 2013|12:40pm]

The above has appeared in all journals and is accompanied by a ticking. After being observed by the character, the ticking will only be noticeable when the individual is actually looking at the countdown. Taken will notice that unlike normal the countdown displays a different time whenever they glance down at the page. At first glance, for example, it may say that the countdown will end in a hour and fifteen minutes but than at a second glance it may say the countdown will end in seventeen hours and thirty three minutes. The countdown is different every time the Taken glances upon it and is different for all Taken, making it impossible to tell when the actual flip will take place.
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[24 May 2013|12:40pm]
I refuse to gain another pound.
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[24 May 2013|12:41pm]
Theo, Victorien, the swap Weasley's, his parents of all Worlds, and the Nymphclub.
I am hoping that there isn't a pattern but if we do end up in America when this countdown is over, you must pretend you are a muggle. Under no circumstances should you use magic. The last time we went was the most horrific experience I have ever gone through in my entire life. Not just here. Ever.

Using magic will put you in danger. Talking about magic will put you in danger. The best solution is not to talk about it or use it at all. Stick to any alias they give you.

I do not want to have any of you go through the pain people went through last time. Keep safe and keep your head low. Hopefully we won't be there long if we do go.

Constant Vigilance.

If we wind up in America this next flip, you must not let people find out you are a werewolf or a witch. Do you understand? I will not watch that happen again to you.

his Charlie.
I feel like I am going to be sick. I keep telling myself we aren't going but I can't push away the dread.
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[24 May 2013|12:44pm]
And here we go again.
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[24 May 2013|01:09pm]
Right, so if we end up in Salem (which you'll know by the fact that everyone is covered head to toe) don't talk about magic. It may be best if you just don't talk at all, actually.

Because I swear to god if you get yourself killed, I will bring you back to life and kill you again.
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[24 May 2013|01:18pm]
I don't want to go to Salem...
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[24 May 2013|01:19pm]
Bloody clock.

[ Warded to Omicron Block ]
Hold on, you lot. There's a rocky road ahead.
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[24 May 2013|01:29pm]
Omicron just told us to hang on. You good?

This is not exciting anymore.

Hey HandMan. You got yours alright?
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[24 May 2013|01:34pm]
Will pin fix accents if we go to Salem? I cannot sound American.
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[24 May 2013|01:46pm]
I might be disappointed if we do not end up in Salem. Consider me one of your greatest allies if we do.
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[24 May 2013|01:58pm]
return to candyland world

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[24 May 2013|02:08pm]
LOUISE! Hurry and come here so I can throw you in the chocolate river!
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[24 May 2013|02:11pm]
This... This isn't Salem! It isn't Salem!

The chocolate river is back!!!

Merlina... that's a relief.
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[24 May 2013|02:32pm]
Has the clock ever done anything like this before? If there's something wrong, are we in danger?
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[24 May 2013|04:45pm]
[Lilys (all), Sir Bella]
Dr. Omicron says we are in for a bumpy ride. Be careful.
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[24 May 2013|06:33pm]
So [...] abnormal as this is, I guess it's still interesting?
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[24 May 2013|09:23pm]

Don't skinnydip in the chocolate river. There are fish in there that will try to eat you. If you do swim there, bring a friend just in case.
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[24 May 2013|11:31pm]
(ooc: pretend these are bigger and more messily covered in chocolate like they were real fish dragged out of a chocolate river by a padfoot. because that's what they are.)

Who wants fish for dinner? First come, first serve.
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[24 May 2013|11:50pm]
We're surrounded by candy and things. I need to go and get my hands on some of this. Toppings, yes?

Miss Mariana, would you like to join me?

Will the candy go with us if we flip again?
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