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[26 Apr 2013|09:41am]
who cissy and andromeda
what random meetings
where outside the compound
when morning
rating/status tbd and closed

Don't need another perfect lie, I'm gonna give all my secrets away )
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[26 Apr 2013|09:57am]
who bella and castor black
what awkburgs?
where compound, near their rooms.
when early morning, before classes
rating/status tbd/closed for now

tear me open, I bleed )
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[26 Apr 2013|10:11am]
Who: Astrid & Altairbaby
When: TODAY! After breaking shit and before the pillow fort
Where: Astrid and Altair's room (because they just share it these days. WHATEVER!)
What: Astrid is collecting Altair to go with her and James Sirius to the pillow fort room
Warning: Most likely none

Read more... )
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[26 Apr 2013|10:19am]
who james potter and mariana black
what james being james
where breakfast!
when well clearly breakfast
rating/status low and closed

we're gonna fly away from here! )
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[26 Apr 2013|10:36am]
Who: Remusthg & Renee
What: Moonying (Mooning? But not actually.)
When: Friday afternoon/evening
Where: Outside
Warnings: Not likely

Moonys mooning around with moonshine. )
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[26 Apr 2013|10:08pm]
π pie block experiment

π EXPERIMENT: pie block )
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[26 Apr 2013|10:57pm]
Who: Arthur Pendragoncan, Open?
What: Ira et Malevolentia
Where: Pi Block, outside Pi’s office
When: Friday Night, after this
Warnings: the royal rage? But since he can’t actually kill Pi, probably none.

The royal rage was upon him. Later he would probably feel shame and guilt, for the extent to which he had failed to master his feelings, for resorting to force over reason, particularly in case where force was useless as well as disproportionate. At the moment all that he knew was that wrong had been done, that he was powerless to stop it, that this latest act of caprice had touched upon his last nerve and that he would see justice done if he had to tear this infernal compound to pieces with his bare and bloody hands. Fortunately, he had a sword. Which was why he was hacking away at Pi's door with Excalibur, not caring that he wasn't making a scratch. In his current state he would inflict as much damage upon it or himself as his body could stand, whichever collapsed first.
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