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[01 Apr 2013|01:21am]
Who: Sirius & Remus of the Unwind World
What: STUFF.
When: Sunday night.
Where: Wigwam
Warnings: None

Marauders are Lost Boys at heart. )
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[01 Apr 2013|02:28am]
WHO Evan Rosier & Ian Wilkes
WHAT reuniting and dealing with awk feels.
WHEN now!
WHERE an empty meadow in neverland.
RATING fair warning, ian and evan are never appropriate. language is a definite. other things~ are a definite possibility.

Read more... )
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[01 Apr 2013|03:15am]
ι iota block experiment

ι EXPERIMENT: [Fenrira Greyback] )
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[01 Apr 2013|07:54pm]
WHO Ellie ThibaultREGEND, Sirius BlackREGEN.
WHAT A reunion some two hundred years in the making.
WHEN Noon, April 1.
WHERE The Lagoon.

Maybe finding her husband could wait... )
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