flipped rpg.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
flipped rpg.

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[25 Mar 2013|12:07am]
Who: The zaw and bdh Scamander twins
What: First time meeting face-to-face
When: Sometime soon after the flip
Where: Somewhere aboard Hades' Dishonor
Status/Warnings: In Progress / Language, tbd

we'll walk shoulder to shoulder and we'll do as we please like siamese )
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[25 Mar 2013|09:44am]
Who: Narcissa & Regulus
What: Regulus is hiding; Cissa's finding him
When: Monday
Where: on board the Plunderer's Lie
Warnings: TBD

... )
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[ viewing | March 25th, 2013 ]
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