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flipped rpg.

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[18 Mar 2013|05:35am]
Who: Duke & Evancolour
What: Hilarity/Evan being a 16yo diva
When: Monday mid-afternoon
Where: idk, somewhere in the compound.
Status/Warnings: In progress / Probably not too high.

I'll never drop my sword. )
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[18 Mar 2013|09:01am]
o omicron block experiment

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[18 Mar 2013|10:09pm]
WHO: Ted TonksTHG & Andromeda BlackTHG
WHAT: They meet face to face
WHEN: After/during Bellatrix's entry
WHERE: Ted's room
WARNINGS: Swearing, general mentions of THG world, OVERWHELMING FEELS
STATUS: Log to be completed in comments

Reality was a cruel mistress and Andromeda wanted to bow to her no longer. )
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[18 Mar 2013|11:08pm]
Who: SiriusKnap and JohnnyKnap
What: Trying to get Johnny to stop writing to Greta
When: Monday evening
Where: Pokemon pitch
Warnings: None

... )
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[ viewing | March 18th, 2013 ]
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