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flipped rpg.

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[09 Mar 2013|01:38am]
Who: Charlie and Burg
What: Secret meetings in Love World really can only end badly.
Where: House 3
When: Friday
Warning: TBD

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[09 Mar 2013|12:38pm]
WHO: Niall Finnigan and Narcissa Blackcolor
WHERE: "family" house
WHEN: Saturday mid morning
WHAT: Niall has something important to say
WARNING: cursing probably

Panic! )
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[09 Mar 2013|01:16pm]
Who: Gwen (appearing her as 'Joan') and Filius
What: Fil keeping an eye on Gwen, eventual raiders to come into the scene
Where: In town on the way to the market
When: Saturday
Warning: TBD

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