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[07 Mar 2013|10:34am]
Who: Severina Snapeswap & Open to City Taken
What: Even Rina is not immune to the effects of boredom and curiosity.
When: Thusday; Afternoon.
Where: Somewhere in the City.
Rating: PG/PG-13?
Status: Incomplete, Semi-Open.

Severina had been intent upon staying within the home for as long as she could in order to lessen the chance of repercussions within this silly world. )
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[07 Mar 2013|07:00pm]
who dynamic potter duo! aka james potter and james sirius potter
what accidentally exploding things
where woods, near the homestead
when afternoon
rating/status medium for exploding potters are we joking or not? and pending

and i'm just a ghost, and still they echo me )
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[07 Mar 2013|11:02pm]
Who: Hannah Potter and Neville Longbottom, UKR
What: Bonding, discussions, spraypaint and fliers
When: March 7
Where: Family 9 house
Why: Hannah's seen the entry and seems better to walk next door to talk to him.
Status: Incomplete

She'd seen him before. Not this old, but during her three times living the Battle of Hogwarts. She'd seen him then.  )
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