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flipped rpg.

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[09 Feb 2013|05:47pm]
AAND final note for Juni, left on her door )
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[09 Feb 2013|05:52pm]
who: Lily Evans and Sirius Blackcan
what: running into each other!
where: near the shops
when: right now!
status/rating: in-progress/low

... )
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[09 Feb 2013|10:33pm]
[sent to astrid via assistant]
For what it's worth, I noticed and I'm sorry that the situation probably sucks now. Here's a healthy dose of Remus Lupin's All Purpose RemedyTM, just in case you need some comfort food.

[note is attached to a box of chocolates]
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[ viewing | February 9th, 2013 ]
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