flipped rpg.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
flipped rpg.

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[03 Feb 2013|02:44pm]
Who: Juni and Branbaby
When: Now.
Where: Juni's room aka Juni's workroom.
What: Awkwardness.
Rating/Status: PG/Incomplete

Cotton over linens. )
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[03 Feb 2013|03:06pm]
Who: Jane & Sirilla
What: Sirilla's back, & Jane needs Padsysnuggles.
When: Saturday night (backdated)
Where: colour-Sirius's unit
Warnings: sads?

... )
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[03 Feb 2013|06:34pm]

The above has appeared in all journals and is accompanied by a ticking. After being observed by the character, the ticking will only be noticeable when the individual is actually looking at the countdown.
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[03 Feb 2013|09:29pm]
Who: Burg and Theo
Where: Theo's Unit
When: Sunday, pre Flip
What: Burg gets back

cut )
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