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flipped rpg.

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[28 Jan 2013|10:44am]
who jamesiejames and daddysirius
what daddysirius called sirius time
where gonna go with daddysirius' place
when this evening, after james spends time with his uncle
rating/status tbd/pending

Now I don't have a coat of silk, but I still have the sky )
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[28 Jan 2013|11:26am]
who altair and dora
where omega cafeteria
when lunch time
what acting like the couple they are
rating/status tbd/pending

this is truly is in a telescope now )
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[28 Jan 2013|11:48am]
Who: Daphne and OPEN
Where: Courtyard
What: Daphne's nursing a stomach ache and reading
Rating: tbd but I'd say low

She had never experienced anything like this. )
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[28 Jan 2013|10:00pm]
WHO: Draco and Hermione UKR
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Draco's room in Gamma
WHAT: Draco's got some stuff to say

None of it was going to be easy, especially if it was true. )
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