August 2014

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July 16th, 2014

[info]noblondejokes in [info]fiveohooc

Hey guys, I'm Lissa and I have two for now and two to bring in once I finish plotting with Beth.

Emma Carstairs from The Shadowhunter Chronicles (TMI/TID/TDA). She's from four years past City of Heavenly Fire/one year before TDA begins. She's 16 years old, sarcastic, arrogant and the best fighter since Jace Wayland/Morgenstern/Lightwood/Herondale. In fact, if you're familiar with the series at all, she is basically a female Jace. She lost her parents when she was 12 and she's driven by revenge. Her parabatai isn't here, so she's pretty annoyed by being separated from him. Guys, Emma is really awake and I want all of the plot with her.

Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson series is here with me as well. She's from The Mark of Athena since I still haven't finished House of Hades (I'm trying, really!) She's also an excellent fighter, she's very smart (daughter of the goddess wisdom and battle strategy, after all). She's going to be pretty peeved that she's separated from her boyfriend. She's also injured (until I finish House of Hades, I have no way of bringing her into games not-injured and maybe not even then).

The other characters I have on hold are Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy and Allison Argent from Teen Wolf.

[info]acastleofglass in [info]fiveohooc

Okay, hello everyone, I'm Cassie and I've got two guys to share with you today.

This is Steve McGarrett, big kahuna on the 5-0 taskforce so if your characters are in need of any help/have questions/etc he's around! He can be a bit militant but what can you do? He's current with canon.

I've also got Chuck [info]youreaces. Chuck's coming from Chuck Vs. The Goodbye and he's been in Hawaii a few months now. He works with Veronica at Mars Investigations, since he doesn't have any of his old Carmichael Industries partners with him here, and if any arrive he will probably suggest they come work there too since they were gonna dissolve the company anyway.

If you're not familiar with Chuck, he used to be a human supercomputer for the CIA, but he's not anymore.

Yeah sorry this is short and kind of bland but I didn't get much sleep. Feel free to hit us up on our contact posts or on Skype at cassandraryan89. I don't have AIM, I might end up getting one. You can always email me at too!

[info]ignoreyourfear in [info]fiveohooc

Hello! I'm Misha. I've successfully apped three of my boys: Sam Matthews (Nikita), Tobias Eaton (Divergent), and Tom Mason (Falling Skies). Sam Winchester and Daryl Dixon are next up, and if you know me, you know I'm open to bringing in others. :)

I'm excited for this game, and I can't wait to see it come to life. I am open to any and all plot, so let's chat! Tom especially needs plot, and D and Sammy when they come in. Sam M and Tobias have Alex and Tris for instaplot, but they're open to other lines and random interactions too!

As for me, I'm a teacher, I work with special ed kids. I'm currently on summer break, but I go back to work on July 29. Waaaaay early. Augh. I can't IJ when I'm at work, but I'm on most nights till about 10 or 11 pm Eastern US time. I can check email, and I tend to keep AIM open on my phone too, so there's that. Yay.