Five Finger Icons - September 13th, 2008

User: [info]fivefingericons (posted by [info]circumsized)
Date: 2008-09-13 22:34
Subject: rules & affiliation
Security: Public
Tags: affiliates, rules

Let's keep this simple and sweet, shall we?

1) Crediting. We're not going to stress this, but would really like it to be done! Any of the various methods ,such as in the userinfo, the keywords, or through actual dedication via post on journal, will work just fine. HOWEVER, Let's be real. 46% of people who RP on InsaneJournal do not credit for the icons they use. It's a fact of life. In homage to that, the community is ( FIVE FINGER ICONS. ), in reference to the American slang term, "five finger discount" (which means stealing, if you missed that...) That said, we sort of know people will steal them. So instead of fighting it, we embrace it. :)

2) On top of stealing, we think it's pretty obvious people do as they please with other's icons. As we'd like to be credited if you use them for bases, let's get real once more. Most people DON'T. If you do though, that makes us warm and fuzzy inside. Plus, people might see your icon, and want to make one with the same base. If you credit, they can find it. Isn't that a good thing?

3) Commenting isn't required, but it's ADORED. Gurrl, it makes us feel all happy when we know you like what we're doing. It makes us stop, collaborate, and dig up more pictures to make into icons for you once again. Which is kind of what we're here for, right? WE ACTUALLY NEED YOU TO BE THE ENABLERS! Do us this huge favor, and toss up a " dayumm. I love these! I'm totally going to steal three or seven of them. =D " Every once and while :)

4) USE THEM! Even we know we probably won't get through all of them! So do us a huggeee favour, by actually using them for your communities, games, and personal usage.

5) If a graphic doesn't work because we fuxxored up on the coding, or the table is broken by some .. cosmic cyber meteoroid that wasn't there when we made them, let us know! As said, feedback is like god answering prayers. We treat it as holy.

6) Obviously, we're friendly people. If you care to affiliate, please leave a comment ON HERE! It's a great way for everyone in our community on IJ and otherwise, to form a community to do our service. And that service is helping muns with the neverending quest of finding great, lovely icons. :)

That's it! Enjoy, bitchez. =D

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