September 2nd, 2007

[info]drkcherry in [info]five_by_five

All icons are made by me.
You must comment if you take any.
You must credit [info]drkcherry or [info]drkcherry_bombs
Inspired by a story written by [info]aaronlisa
Pairing:Dean Winchester (Supernatural) and Faith Lehane (Buffy/Angel)
6 icons
2 large sized icons
4 banners

1. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 2. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
the rest under the cut )

[info]aaronlisa in [info]five_by_five

Header Challenge & Challenge #1

First of all the fic/art challenge will be extended until this Friday at 7:00PM PST.

With the header challenge, I had a few entries so I am going to run the voting for the header challenge.
Please vote for your favourite header by leaving a comment with the number of the header you like the best. I will screen comments.

headers )