Finishing Fanfiction's Journal
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Thursday, August 16th, 2007

    Time Event
    Discussion: Monthly Stuff
    Hello, I'm Rebecca, the founder of this comm. Sorry for the delay in updating -- work got busy and I had some family stuff to do.

    So, one thing I was thinking about is -- hey, we're all writers, and we all have our projects that we're not doing. How can we motivate ourselves to do it? There's the NaNo method -- have a deadline. On the other hand, NaNo is the writing equivalent of running a marathon -- doable if you're in good shape, but not something one does every month. I'd prefer something that's more like the runs my coworkers do twice a week -- something much shorter, but sustainable.

    Or, once a month/every two weeks, everyone could 'bring' a chapter/short story they were working on for C&C. Yaknow, like meatspace writing groups do. Most of these would be well under 10,000 words, which is doable in that time, what with school/work/family/playing video games. Plus, at least I tend to keep my WIPs under wraps until I finish (after reading one too many abandoned WIPs), so it's also an incentive to write. Plus, occasionally, you can take a month off -- I know I'll be taking November off of fanfiction for NaNoWriMo.

    I realize that we don't all know each other's fandoms, but some fics can be read as stand-alone works -- albeit ones where you're missing the nuances.

    So, what does everyone think?

    Also, intro posts are love. I realize I'm a big hypocrite here, since I have no intro post yet, but say hi and introduce yourselves and your projects!

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