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Sep. 20th, 2009


Podmore, P.I. - Part 7

Chicago, 1926. The time of Irving Berlin and the Algonquin Round Table, gin joints and flappers, gangsters and molls. Everybody knows the band at the Hogshead is the cat's pajamas - or at least it was, 'til their singer got iced. Now they've got a new one, and she's having a chat with Sturgis Podmore, Private Investigator.

When we last saw the detective the conversation had just begun over gin and cigarettes. Now, we'll see where it goes.

You think all dames're crazy, or just the ones I run into? )

Sep. 19th, 2009


Podmore, P.I. - Part 6

Summer, 1926. Clouds form over the lake and move in on Chicago, turning a hot day into a muggy night, and once more we follow the progress of Sturgis Podmore, Private Investigator, as he digs deeper into an increasingly connected web of cover-ups, lies, and murder.

Welcome to the Hogshead, where the smoke turns the dim light blue as the notes from the piano. When we last saw the detective he was having a chat with his old friend Gawain Robards, of the CPD. Tonight, his story continues.

The only thing I can say with any certainty is that there were definite irregularities in the way that case was handled. )


Podmore, P.I. - Part 5

In Chicago, 1926, Prohibition is on, driving the sale of alcohol into illegal speakeasies hidden in little nooks and crannies all over town. Despite the lousy part of town it's in, old Abe Dumbledore's is a favorite thanks to its hot band, cheap drinks, and bartender who's the best listener in the city. Whether you're a flapper looking to flirt or just an old drunk looking for solace in the bottom of a glass, the Hogshead's the place to be.

When we last left our detective, he had a date there at 8. But first, he's got some other business to attend to.

The way of the world, Podmore figured. It was all a big damn assembly line motor, with every part replaceable in a moment's notice. )

Sep. 18th, 2009


Podmore, P.I. - Part 4

Day breaks in Chicago, during the long, hot summer of 1926. The city holds out hope that the heat wave will break, or if it doesn't, that maybe the Yankees' winning streak will. Irving Berlin rules the radio, and dirty dealings rule Chicago. Meanwhile, Regulus Black languishes in the Cook County Jail while Sturgis Podmore, Investigator for Hire, starts looking for answers.

When we left our detective, he was having a moment of quiet introspection. As we peek back into his world, he's back in action - not at the office on the South Side, but Downtown.

Another bowl of Cornflakes, a cup of black coffee, and one more smoke as he walked to the streetcar eventually led him to his old home away from home: the CPD, Precinct 1 - Downtown. )

Sep. 17th, 2009


Podmore, P.I. - Part 3

We return again to Chicago, 1926: the Windy City in the Roaring Twenties, home to mobsters, bootleggers, guys and dolls...and the office of Sturgis Podmore, private investigator.

When we last saw the detective, he'd just agreed to take the case of a lifetime: finding the evidence that would get Regulus Black out of a murder charge that everybody from Mayor Tom Riddle on down wants to see him take the fall for. It looks like an impossible case - but if anyone's an expert in the impossible, it's Sturgis Podmore.

Friends. Now there was an interesting term, and one that Podmore had learned the folly of using too easily. )

Sep. 16th, 2009


By Request: Podmore, P.I. - Part Two

Chicago, 1926. Summer has left the city nights dark and sticky as molasses, clinging to the denizens of the town and dragging them down like flies. Smoke comes from the factories and the cigarettes that nearly everybody consumes, and hot jazz flows from the speakeasies that everybody knows about but no one's talking about. Who's in charge varies from day to day - sometimes it's the mayor, sometimes it's the mob, but they're all criminals just the same. And once again, we find ourselves looking in on the office of one of the few men in this crazy town who's not a criminal: Sturgis Podmore, disgraced cop turned gumshoe for hire.

When we last left the detective, he'd just been paid a visit by gangster moll Celeste Lestrange, pretty little princess of the Lestrange family - a group of mobsters who alternate strangleholds on the city with their rivals, the Blacks. She's got trouble and she is trouble, and as usual, trouble has found Sturgis Podmore.

Regulus Black's about to go down for a murder he didn't do. )

Sep. 13th, 2009


I've been meaning to do something with these prompts for ages, so why not do it now? :)

Just comment with which prompt you would like and then give me a character or a group of characters (I do request that one of my characters is involved) and I will write you a fic! Feel free to specify further (shipping, friendly, rating, etc).

Halloween Theme:
1. All Hallow's Eve
2. pumpkins in the road - Lydia & Sturgis
3. the witching hour - Andromeda & Florence
4. after dark
5. moonlight on the forest floor
6. when the lantern goes out
7. floating candles - Andromeda
8. tricks and treats - Amala & Deshan
9. masquerade
10. watch your step - Andromeda & Narcissa
11. haunted mansion
12. crumbling epitaph - Frank & Benjy
13. did you hear that? - Lydia & Angus
These prompts are from here!


This is what happens when you let me get bored... have to help entertain me.

Give me:
1. 1 or more characters from FTH
2. A time of day
3. A genre

You get:
1. A short fic
2. My gratitude for un-boring me.

Sep. 10th, 2009


Veritaserum, whatwhat!

There's veritaserum in the water at FTH! OH NO!

So here's how the fun works. If you want in, post your characters' names in a comment to this entry. Then anybody who wants to ask a question of your characters may ask, and the character must answer truthfully. Meanwhile, you go around and ask questions of the characters that you want to know things about!

Note: This is all OOC, so your characters may ask about things they don't technically know IC, or will not know until much later on in the game.

Sep. 8th, 2009


It's been floating around

I did this a long time ago during EL&MW time. So I thought I'd be a little different and bring this here! :D

Pick a number and an accompanying pairing (canon or crack) and I'll write you a fic. More than one person can pick one number.

100 fics )

Sep. 7th, 2009


I meant to do this before I went to work, but I forgot! I'm here all night and I forgot a book, which is leaving me flailing and I haven't even punched in yet. Which means I'm going to copy Kate!

So! Give me a pairing (canon or otherwise) or group or whatever from this game and a short song lyric or quote and I will write you a fic. I would prefer to have at least one of the characters be one I play, so then I don't have to panic too badly about messing up!


Musical Chairs

Here we have ten song lyrics. Claim a set of lyrics and assign me some characters from FTH, and I'll write you a short fic.

1. Beautiful Dawn - Gideon/Gretchen
Teach me how to see when I close my eyes
Teach me to forgive and to apologize
Show me how to love in the darkest dark
There's only one way to mend a broken heart

The rest behind the cut )

Sep. 6th, 2009


Shuffle the Deck

Pick a random pairing from this game - any one you want. Het, slash, femslash, whatever rating, whatever characters...I'll do anything. The only stipulation is that it must be a ship that is NOT currently game-canon or planned to occur in the future, and that I utterly fail at any kind of slash with Angus. Other than that: Give me a pairing of your choice and some idea of a theme or a timeframe or a prompt, and I will write it.

Note: I do not necessarily require that this involve characters that I play, though it's easier that way.

Sep. 2nd, 2009


partay on the spell damage floor, what what?

With so many of our Aurors hanging out on the cool floor, let's stop and imagine for a bit all the hijinx that surely ensued

Marly: *totally short-sheeted Dawlish's bed. from her unconsciousness. because she's that osm*

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