April 2010

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January 1st, 2010

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_crack

FTH: Six Months In Review

It has now been exactly six months since the game opened on July 1, 2009. And we now have six months left until the end, June 30, 2010.

Shall we reflect upon our past six months?

Current Character Count: 110 played (and alive!) characters.
Total Character Count: We have had 157 characters played over the course of these last six months.
Played-Character Deaths: We have had four played characters die over the past six months:
  • Dedalus Diggle died a hero's death (protecting Calypso Bones and her children) in the Battle of King's Cross on 1 September, 1979.
  • Gavin Avery was murdered by Barty Crouch Jr while in Ministry custody on 8 October, 1979.
  • Florence Corner was murdered by Persephone Jugson on 8 October, 1979.
  • John Dawlish (who was originally played by Liz, then NPCed by Kate for his last month) was killed by Voldemort in the line of duty at the Halloween Massacre Ball on 31 October, 1979.

Of course, we've also had countless NPC deaths mentioned, and a few family members of played characters, including Charity Burbage's mother (murdered by Death Eaters on 10 August, 1979) and both Black patriarchs (8 December for Cygnus and 19 December of Orion).

Currently, we have 26 wonderful, AMAZING players playing our 110 characters. We have had and lost 14 others over the past six months, without whom the game certainly would not be the same. All 40 players have changed the course of the game simply by being here, and we wouldn't be where we are now without any of you. ♥!

This has been a very busy six months for us, as well! Not counting our Big Battle Logs (King's Cross and Halloween) or the smattering of OOC logs, we have had:
  • 280 logs or narratives posted.
  • 183 owls sent.
  • 29 articles posted.
  • 13 broadcasts posted (8 for the WWN, 5 for the Tube).
  • And 2 press releases posted.

All of the following statistics are based upon when I was looking them up between 5:00 and 5:30 pm (CST) yesterday:

Going by just the journals for the 110 currently-played (and alive) characters, we have had:
  • 1726 journal entries
  • 44017 comments posted by those 110 characters
  • 35895 comments received by those 110 characters

And we have some awards for our top hitters for each of those statistics!

Awards! )

And while we're on the topic of awards, y'all might recall the poll that was put up for voting on Halloween costumes for the masquerade ball. If you really try, you might even remember that I teased that the poll would be used for more than just helping us pick winners for the Masquerade Battle Log.

The Best Costumes Of The Masquerade Ball, As Chosen By The Players. )

And that is out Six Months In Review! Guys, it's really amazing everything we have done in just six months. Just think of where we'll be at the end of June!