July 19th, 2018

[info]greyhoundsix in [info]find_players

Looking for a couple of lines to be filled over at [info]valar. Anyone interested in anyone below, drop me a line at AylaRanzz@gmail.com and I can put you in touch with anyone else you'd need to talk to.

Orphan Black: Sarah Manning, Alison Hendrix and Helena by Felix and Cosima

The Magicians: Quentin Coldwater, Alice Quinn, Penny Adiyodi, Kady Orloff-Diaz and Julia Wicker would be welcome by Margo and Eliot.

Shadowhunter Chronicles: Clary Fray, Raphael Santiago, Maia Roberts, Jordan Kyle and George Lovelace would all be welcomed by Simon.

Doctor Who: Ten, Mickey Smith and Jack Harkness would all be welcome by Martha.