February 19th, 2017

[info]_neonlike in [info]find_players

Hi! I have Tonks over at Lazarus, a Harry Potter game taking place nearly a decade after the defeat of Voldemort, where people have slowly but surely gotten their lives back together -- only to have it mucked up by people coming back to life!

It's a new game with lots of characters still available, including the Trio, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Draco, as well as newly Not!Dead folks like the Potters, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin! I personally am looking for Andromeda Tonks, Not!Dead Ted Tonks, the Trio, Ginny, Not!Dead Remus, and Not!Dead Sirius (with all relationships up for discussions, of course). Take a poke around and see if it tickles your fancy, and please feel free to poke me at puckish.imp@gmail.com.

Thanks for your time!