November 16th, 2015

[info]differentcall in [info]find_players

The last Hunger Games opens this week! And to that end, there are some very specific characters that we would all really love to come take a peek at [info]thedistrictmod, an alternate universe game in which characters from the MCU are citizens of Panem.

Our Steve is really, really hankering for a Sam Wilson, specifically to help further his own revolutionary tendencies and set a few plot points of a rebellious nature in motion. Nat would kill for Pepper Potts (possibly as a Tribute escort from when she was younger, but that's totally flexible), Scott wants to see Hope Van Dyne, and Clint - well, he loves everybody, he'd pretty much just be psyched for more friends. It's a really collaborative group of writers, we're good about offering concrete plot suggestions, and we work with a lot of mature, darker themes.

These are some ideas of specific characters that we all have a couple great ideas for and have done some brainstorming on, but obviously we'd be thrilled to see anyone else you might be interested in. Thanks!