May 5th, 2014

[info]joykin in [info]find_players

Would Spencer Hastings, Ezra Fitzgerald and any other PLL characters please report to [info]neptunemods? We have a game-wide plot going on for the month of May that included A torturing not only the girls again, but the rest of the characters in the game too! We desperately need Spencer Hastings to help the girls figure it out!

[info]demonsangelsmod in [info]find_players

Would anyone be interested in a game that pulls the worlds of Buffy, Angel and Supernatural together?

All the details aren’t hashed out yet but we’re thinking along the lines of having all the shows back at the very start and seeing what happens when all the characters crash into each other. The events in the shows can be changed as the players see fit and dead characters are more than welcome to join up. In the near future, we’re planning on bringing in other shows too (Vampire Diaries etc).

If you’re interested, please contact me here

There’s also a place to hold a character here