February 25th, 2014

[info]slushees in [info]find_players

[info]slushees: Santana, Dani, Artie, Mercedes, Jake, Ryder, Unique, Cooper, Joe, Bree, Dottie, Biff, Jean-Baptiste, Hunter & the Warblers, Brody, Adam, Jesse St. James, and original characters too.

We are a Glee group psl where the writers take control of their favorite characters and create fun and exciting story lines.

We offer nightly and weekly activities, AIM convos/scenes/group chats, a monthly talk show, a Chatzy room, as well as frequent group scenes and individual play.

[info]mustbekittenme in [info]find_players

Looking for a bunch of characters for [info]lostinastorymod.

[info]mustbekittenme/Felicia Hardy: I would love a Spider-Man for some superhero/villain romance

[info]yourqueenb/Blair Waldorf: Chuck, Serena, Dan, the whole crew.

[info]youngesthologrm/Kimber Benton: the whole Jem & the Holograms crew

[info]drewsclues/Nancy Drew: Bess, George, Ned

[info]justanya/Anya (from Anastasia): Dimitri

[info]anicequeen/book!Elena Gilbert: book versions of Damon and Stefan

[info]calicasual/Dawn Schafer: other BSC members

[info]lonewolfe/Gabriel Wolfe: Kaitlyn, Rob, Anna, Lewis

[info]froyo_ho/Sarah Bartowski: Chuck! Casey, Morgan, Jeffster, etc.

[info]byanangel in [info]find_players

Hemlock Grove muses wanted!

I'm looking to join [info]thenemetonmod, which is a multi-fandom game, as Letha Godfrey. Before I do, though, I thought I'd poke around and see if I can take any other Hemlock Grove muses with me. I'd mostly be interested in Roman Godfrey, Shelley Godfrey, and Peter Rumancek, but I'd also be happy to see other Hemlock Grove faces no matter how minor.