September 25th, 2013

[info]lady_helga in [info]find_players

I would love to get a few other people to start up a GPSL focused on the Founders and the forming of Hogwarts. I want to go deep and explore the relationships between the four of them maybe even the secret or not so secret feelings that could be had between any of them. I just want to really sink my teeth in.

[info]silverarcher in [info]find_players

Teen Wolf muses wanted!

[info]wariscomingmod is a panfandom game set in the Supernatural universe, though you don't need to know Supernatural to join. Our crowd of Teen Wolf muses is growing and growing, but Allison is still the only Argent and Stiles is not present. Clearly this needs to be fixed. There are others open, as well, but with recent holds on Laura Hale and Peter Hale Allison is getting a little nervous with no other hunters around. Even Gerard and Kate would be welcome at this point.