July 29th, 2013

[info]bloodoftheangel in [info]find_players

Hello! My name is Michelle, and I play Alec Lightwood at [info]wished_away_rpg, a panfandom RPG.

Alec comes from The Mortal Instruments series, and he's missing the following people:

- His parabatai, Jace

- His sister, Isabelle

- And especially, the epic High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane

And... I guess he wouldn't mind seeing Clary and Simon too. Why not, right? He's feeling really lonely at the moment, so he'll take whatever is given to him.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding any of these characters.

Also... I play the MWPP version of Remus Lupin (@ [info]gryffinwolf). So far, we have Remus and Sirius, but we definitely need a
James, Peter and a Lily for starters.

Lastly, please check out the Wanted Page for other characters needed.

Thanks everyone!