January 6th, 2013

[info]aidtoz in [info]find_players

Femme line for me please? It'd be PSL until her comm re-opens

[info]tt_mod in [info]find_players

New Dreamwidth Resource

There's a new Dreamwidth Community for finding players/games - Dreamwidth Find A Player.

It has the same rules as the Insanejournal Find a player, except it isn't limited to Harry Potter games.

[info]t_davis in [info]find_players

The Game & Wanted Lines
Over at LoMB via f_rogers, Slytherins (from Harry Potter) or Slytherin compatible (any fandom) personality characters are needed and wanted. The game is open to new and old panfandom players alike. I'd love to talk details with anyone interested and a reply to check it out doesn't mean commitment or pressure. The game, the setup, means fun without being absurd; that said, the social dynamics and character development matter (of course) and part of that is having a number of acquaintances and friends.

Regulus Black and Tracey Davis are two characters who have recently lost some friends (as muses come and go, RL schedules get busy) and would like potential friends or acquaintances.
From Harry Potter
Severus, Lucius, Andromeda, Blaise, Theodore, Daphne, Scorpius, Albus... there are a number of options. The setup does put them around mostly "impure" characters, so any (listed or unlisted) Slytherin who could adapt while still being their rigid and perhaps irritating purist core would be lovely.
Other Fandoms
You don't have to know or be into Harry Potter; Regulus or Tracey would just be a social acquaintance who is a wizard/witch. Characters from other fandoms who could get along with characters who require a build-up to get to the point of "friendship" as they are naturally cautious of others, who like intellectual stimulation, and being silly and the occasional good humoured prank would be lovely.

If they don't get on with Regulus or Tracey, there are more than enough personality types that there would inevitably be a niche where they would find friends.