February 5th, 2012

[info]prinfiggins in [info]find_players

Love Glee? Love role playing? [info]wmhigh just might be the group PSL for you! Our writers are all active, friendly, chat on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities and scene regularly.

Currently we are looking for: Finn, Artie, Will Schuester, Warblers, Sugar, Shelby, Emma, Harmony, Glee Project kids, and more. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!

[info]shimmersea in [info]find_players

Looking for...

1. A Mary Mortsan-Watson from Sherlock Holmes Movieverse! My John needs her. More info at [info]notourdog.

2. Anyone interested in a AU, Pre-Series Gossip Girl PSL! A Serena in particular for my Dan? A Nate would be great, too!

3. A Jackson Rippner from Red Eye for my Lisa!

4. Anyone interested in a Fallout PSL! In particular I am looking for a character to go with mine. They're both the last surviving members of an opened Vault. They're all each other has left in the world, and they are very close! Hoping for a Ryan Reynolds PB? The specifics are negotiable!