February 15th, 2011

[info]simplyfj in [info]find_players

Desperately in need of...!

A Ronald Weasley!!!! Anyone who plays a Ron post DH (but not by much, Hermione is only from about 6 months after the end of the book) and as Rupert Grint would be ideal, but I'm just in need of a Ron for my Mione!

Also, Lavender Brown is in game as well, and it will be very entertaining to watch her try and get Ron to love her!!!

The game is Ratalhearth (ratalhearth_mod) Please please please come play with us!!!

Your Friendly Neighborhood FJ :D

[info]_kyri in [info]find_players

Hello! I'm one of the mods over at [info]sixdegreesmod (post-war game set in 2006), but I'm here looking to fill a specific line for one of my characters, Quinn Abercrombie ([info]notfitch). I'm looking for his older brother, Euan Abercrombie, a Gryffindor who started in 1995.

Specifics for Euan are completely open- all that I know is that he and Quinn have never really been close (Quinn has jealousy issues for Euan being the favored son). I would love to have Euan around to help push Quinn's buttons- Quinn is a cocky arse most of the time, and he needs someone to knock him down a few pegs. Quinn's profile is here, if you're looking for more details about his history. Thank you! ♥

[info]mythomod in [info]find_players

Hello everyone! I'm one of the mods over at MYTHOPOEICS; we're a mythology-based game at livejournal in which Gods from several pantheons have been reincarnated as mortals. Community based, events happen on a monthly basis which are part of a larger overarching plot trying to answer questions as to why they are no longer gods and such.

Currently we're looking for quite a few characters from the Norse pantheon we'd love an Odin, Thor and Jormangander to kickstar the Norse into more shenanigans!

From the Greeks we'd love to have more Titans, specifically a Helios would be love! Artemis, Triton, and Demeter.

We also have several players looking for Arthurian characters like Gawain, Morgause, Merlin.

There are more characters listed over at: WANTED

Reserves close tomorrow midnight, so come on over and reserve :3 apps will be accepted after the 16th as long as you have a reserve. ♥