January 23rd, 2011

[info]simplyfj in [info]find_players

Hey yall! I'm looking for some people to play a Hardison and/or Elliot (or anyone else in the Leverage Crew!) in [info]ratalhearth_mod! I've got Parker over there already and she is in desperate need of some people who at least kind of understand her, since everyone there thinks she's insane (which she is, but at least the Leverage crew loves her all the same!)

You can find my journal at [info]twentylbsocrazy. Feel free to drop me a line here or on my contacts!! Thanks in advance!!


[info]rebelliousforce in [info]find_players

Hi, I play Leia Organa I'm looking for a Han Solo for over at [info]wariscoming. He can be from any point in canon (though I'd prefer movie verse since that's the version I'm playing)

But yes. Han Solo. Pan fandom Apocalypse game. DO IT! I'LL BAKE YOU COOKIES!

You can PM me or email me at silent_ragdoll@yahoo.com.

Please and thank you <3