September 27th, 2010

[info]notthistime in [info]find_players

Looking for a line for [info]mitochondrion. Evan here would love to see his father in game. His father is a big part of his development as a character. Evan really struggles to make his father proud of him, and he also has trouble dealing with his fathers frequent exchange of wives.

We have him named tentatively Charles, and he's got Evan in game as well as a daughter, Emily (who is Evan's half sister with a different mother) and a best friend Arthur (father of Evan's best friend). They would all love to see Charles in game. An idea for PB would be Daniel Craig, or anyone who looks like they could be the father of Alex Pettyfer and Emma Roberts.

NPCs we've developed for the Elwood family include Charles new wife Bethany, who is not in game but we are positive could easily be found, and an ex wife Katherine. Evan's mother has been dead since he was five, and I've got it down that Charles has never really been the same since, but that is obviously up for discussion.

Charles is the owner of Elwood Rocks, a rock climbing gym, and the spokesman for the Project. He frequently leaves the island.

Genome Project has been around just under 10 months, and we've also accrued some other wants, if Charles doesn't interest you, here.

Comment here and I'll reply with my SN or Email to plot.