March 6th, 2010

[info]ghostlymod in [info]find_players

In the year of 1998, the final battle at Hogwarts began.

Battles were fought valiantly, lives were lost. And the wizarding world lost their saviour when Lord Voldemort used the Imperius curse on Harry to gain control and then erased his memories, taking the Boy-Who-Lived and making him his pupil.

Ten years later, the world lays in ruin. Muggles are scarce in number, and most wizards and witches hide in fear. With no options left, Minerva McGonagall once again summoned up The Order of the Phoenix. Albus Dumbledore had given her one last mission, if all hope was lost.

A spell cast by Dumbledore before his own untimely death is set in motion, to bring those back who had lost their lives fighting for good. But little do they know, Voldemort has a similar plan, to resurrect those loyal to him and take over the world, once and for all.

Opening 7th March
Premise // Rules
Character List // Apply // Cast List

Characters Availble/Wanted; Bellatrix Lestrange, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Xenophilius Lovegood, Order Members, Death Eaters, and many, many more!