March 1st, 2010

[info]bostonmafia_mod in [info]find_players

Boston Mafia

Three Families all fighting for control of one city. The Murphy's have already lost a daughter in the war, or that's what everyone thinks. The Luciano's have remained untouched by tragedy. Except for the eldest son, who was in love with the Murphy's daughter. The Rasputin's, the last family to join the war and the family who have no regard for the safety of the city.

Looking for more of the mob families! Plenty of spots open. PB is your choice. Come check us out!

The Rules // The Story // The Players, Wanted and Held // The Application

[info]benedictdante in [info]find_players

Power & Politics

Looking for Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes to join the City Hall scheming at Gotham by Night.


[info]ex_bigmaoth666 in [info]find_players

[info]mitochondrion Looking to have two lines filled for my character at this sci-fi game.

1. Looking for the scientist who is posing as my character's older half brother who he has been living with. I see him as a kind of nerdy, dorky guy, but I'm open. PB suggestion: Takeshi Kaneshiro, or a similarly mature Asian, who appears to be in his early to mid thirties.

2. Looking for a love/hate slash line. Our characters appear to hate each other, yours bullies mine and vice versa, to hide their attraction. PB suggestion: Open. High school aged, must be a visual opposite to my character (meaning, no crazy fashion, piercings, dye-jobs, etc. I prefer for him to look "normal").

[info]starbright_ in [info]find_players

Calling Highgarden and Riverrun?

Characters Needed:Lord Tyrell, Lord Tully, their families and bannermen
The Game: set a few centuries after the end of the series, it's essentially an AU/Future RPG: A Whisper of Darkness.

I play Jaehaerys Targaryen, Third of his name, King of the Seven Kingdoms and it is bloody hard to scheme without including Riverrun or Highgarden in the equation. This is for the sake of intrigue and great (in)justice!

Jaehaerys is planning to offer his cousin (the only Targaryen princess) to Lord Tully's son, among other concessions, for an alliance.

Lord Tyrell is required for an insane amount of intrigue. Like huge epic amounts of intrigue. Jaehaerys would like to inquire for instance, whether you killed his father?? 

Lord Tully: Jaehaerys would like to inquire whether you would care to assist him in flambeing Lord Tyrell's arse if his answer is displeasing

Game mod: [info]the_seven

Also: The last Targaryen princess, and the possibly evil Targaryen uncle would be awesome to have around. So would the Master of Whispers, The High Septon, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and some crazy-ass Boltons but hey, I'll take what I can get.