September 22nd, 2009

[info]arurbex in [info]find_players

Looking to Fill Several Lines

AU Lines
Ted Tonks for [info]gilded_mods for a very active Tonks and Andi. Gilded Court is an AU game set in 2003 that explores an alternative universe where the Malfoys rule both Wizarding and Muggle Britain. We are also looking for Aurors, Hit Wizards and Muggleborn Activists and Vincent Crabbe!

Scorpius Malfoy for [info]_ksu_ a Panfandom set at Kansas State University. We have an active Astoria and Draco, and Astoria would love to have family around.

MWPP Lines
Amycus Carrow, Rodolphus Lestrange and Rabastan Lestrange are desperately wanted by Alecto and Bellatrix on Exodus a MWPP game set in 1980 that explores the final year of the first war and the battle to find the child spoken of in the prophecy. Game opens October 31 and already has a great cast!

Post DH Lines

Daphne Greengrass, Rabastan Lestrange, and Rodolphus Lestrange for Recuperatio, a post DH non-epilogue complaint game set in 2005. The Death Eaters are gathering again, with a new generation to back them, and attempting to take over the Ministry. We have an active Draco, Marcus, Theo, Pansy, Astoria and Tracey who are dying for a Daphne and older Death Eaters to guide them.