August 25th, 2009

[info]locator in [info]find_players

Are there any active Heroes fandom games which I could take Molly Walker into (or a panfandom set within a real-life city -- L.A., New York, etc.)?

Alternatively, would anyone be up for making one, even if it ends up being a group PSL?

[info]rp_nazi in [info]find_players

Would anyone like a line with my Hugh Laurie PB? I would love a Jennifer Morrison, Sela Ward, Kate Hudson, or Sandra Bullock PB. I am certainly open to others, however! (Yes, I'm a bit of a House fan, haha.) Just let me know if interested! You can comment here or at my journal.

Also, a Doctor Who line: would anyone be interested?

[info]srslyblacksheep in [info]find_players

Hi I'm Steff and I play Sirius Black, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Rylett Talitha at [info]darkmark_rising, and I'm looking for some characters!

Kingsley Shacklebolt: Not only is he the quidditch captain and 6th year prefect, he's got lots of friends! Sirius would love to see him, be friends with him, and cause trouble. Also, Torin Leary really wants his quidditch captain to bug and badger about practices and strategies.

Amycus Carrow: Rodolphus really wants and needs his fellow year-mate. He needs a friend who is not is competitor Lucius! Bellatrix also really wants an Amycus for her own evil ideas.

Prewitt Twins: Not only because their older sister is at Hogwarts, but Sirius thinks he could really use the twins for his own pranking purposes!

Also seeking a line for Rylett. Looking for a bold female to make Rylett realize she likes girls as well as guys. Rylett is a 4th year Hufflepuf and is currently 15 years old. So any 4th ot 5th year female, canon or OC would work great!

X-Posted everywhere.