July 11th, 2009

[info]girlinthemoon in [info]find_players

Hi there!

I'm in a great new original character RP called [info]denizens. It's a storyline based RP that has a great group of players all willing to work with new apps for storylines. There is a two character limit so that people can focus on the lines that they do have and it's based in a small town outside of Austin, Texas, and everyone sort of knows each other in game because of that, which is great.

SL #1:

PB suggestions: Chris Pine, Josh Duhamel, Misha Collins, Jackson Rathbone, Chace Crawford
(okay I'll stop listing pretty people now)
Storyline: Sophia ([info]girlonthemoon) needs a romance SL. She's a romantic at heart and it's just something I would really love to happen. She's 21, a community college student who spent her freshman year at UT Austin but ran out of school money and couldn't pick a major, works the late shift/night shifts at Duffy's, the town diner, and is a quirky girl.

The SL I wrote up:
Wild Hope - WANTED
Look but don't touch is her motto with him, because she feels like it has heart break written all over it. But... but, she kind of thinks she could love him, if he let her. And that it would be wonderful and amazing and maybe change them both forever.

Also, casually slept with Pilar ([info]pilarmari). Player requests that he has Jose in his name somewhere. This gives another solid connection there. And Pili can tease Soph about it.

Connections: Sophia, Pilar, Sara, Sebastian, Sam probably, given the way these people are connection to Sophia.

SL #2:

PB: Preferably dark haired. In my head Milo Ventimiglia, but really up to player. Other ideas: Jason Behr, Michael Trucco, Ian Somerhalder...
*Owner of Imprint, the tattoo parlor
*age range 25-35
*Name: Carter, can be first or last name, it's what Angel's calling him. (can change this, just that's what she's calling him right now)
Connections: [info]angel_james's boss, and [info]joeybristol's boss too. I'd love some chemistry with Angel, that'd be awesome. She's trying to win back Troy so nothing really yet, but chemistry is GOOD.

Both [info]girlinthemoon & [info]angel_james's profiles are unlocked, so take a look see there, and check out [info]hoipolloi, the mod journal for [info]denizens. (Note: I'm not the mod, so I'm not the person to ask about game questions). [info]grassroot is the storyline community.

[info]farcher in [info]find_players

Hello there! I've tried in ~pbads and ~darkersls and seem to be having no luck whatsoever, so now I come to you, people of ~find_players.

This boy here is Felix Archer (PB David Beckham), a werelion at [info]darknocturne. He has two siblings, a pride (of either werelions or other werecreatures, possibly certain humans or vampires), and a law firm. He's the rex of his pride and he's already got a potential regina (potential being ooc, we're going to try them together and see if it works) but he needs other members of his pride, his siblings, and other employers at his law firm. I'm not PB picky, though as I'm writing this there is a cap on female characters, so for now it would have to be male characters. I'm definitely open to having females in his pride and law firm once the cap is removed, though.

Anyway that's all I've got for now. Anyone? Please? :)

[info]company_woman in [info]find_players

Hi, I play Madeline Stewart, (an non abilities OC) over at [info]fated_times - Heroes fandom game set in 2014, where President Sylar Nathan Petrelli is in control and in the middle of a attack things go wrong and opens a rip in time to pull any Heroes character Villains, Human, OC, AU children, teenagers their selves, and the in-between from any timeline all brought to 2014.

Madeline is in the need for co-works within the White House, who will be in the timeline the game is set in.

She would love Mohinder who is now adviser to Sylar Nathan to speak with.

She would also like Matt Parkman, who would be the Director of Homeland Security, so they can bicker about Nathan Petrelli schedule.

Anyone else is welcomed as well!

If interested please go to [info]fated_mods