June 23rd, 2009

[info]secondrateblake in [info]find_players

Over at [info]thecrown we're looking for some templates to be filled! OC's are also welcome, but so far we would LOVE to see -

Leading Man - a natural talent who's never acted before. Not the typical kind of lead.
The Thespian - an OTT, seasoned actor in the prime of his career... yet still falling on hard financial times.
The Mother Hen - a mature mistress who's weathered a few storms in theatreland. Supported the Crown for many years.
Burlesque Beauty - a favourite of the Blake brothers (Eward in particular) this young lady is a big draw for the crowds.
Scorned Loyal - Eward's jilted lover. Despite his lax treatment of her she still supports the brothers.
The Conductor - a new creative presence for the Crown, he knows the best musicians in the business.
Natural Fawn Leader - the creative director of the rival theatre, The Fawn.
The Professional - The Fawn Leader's dear lady, lead actress and 'muse'.

We're a new game, set in 1898, West End, London. We are also looking for mature writers with a passion for natural characters and plot, who will choose a muse that will fit into the world and let drama play out normally. Come see :)

[info]company_woman in [info]find_players

Hi, I play Madeline Stewart, (an non abilities OC) over at [info]fated_times - Heroes fandom base game set in 2014, where President Sylar Nathan Petrelli is in control and in the middle of a hunt things go wrong and opens a rip in time so any heroes character from any timeline, even AU ones are all brought to 2014.

Madeline is in the need for co-works within the White House, who will be in her timeline.

She would love Mohinder who is now adviser to Nathan.

She would also like Matt Parkman, who would be the Director of Homeland Security, so they can bicker about Nathan Petrelli schedule.

Peter Petrelli (with the scar) spot needs to be filled as well. He is the rebel and no where to be found. There is already a Claire in place waiting to hunt him.

Anyone else is welcomed as well.

If interested please go to [info]fated_mods