December 14th, 2008

[info]cameronkerrigan in [info]find_players

Merlin, wherefore art thou?

Hey! We're looking for a Merlin type character around the age of 21-27 years old in 2008. He's a Witch/Old Soul, so he can remember all of his past lives and he can scry for all of his future lives. He's best friends/mentor to the King Oliver, who accidentally jumped through a portal to 2007. After traveling to Virginia, USA, in search of the woman he'd been writing to (we'll explain more in detail), Oliver finds himself confused and is eventually taken to an asylum. It's here that he learns a little about computers and phones. It's here that he learns just enough to make it out there in 2008. While he's in there, he makes friends with Kate Hathaway, one half of a total psycho. They escape and Oliver immediately searches for the Merlin character.

Merlin character is a smooth talker. Like..he knows EXACTLY what he's doing. He's well versed with modern things, as he's bounced back and forth between lives enough to know what Oliver's talking about and to also be caught up on 2008 stuff. Like cars, currency, phones, etc. He's really important, so let us know!

KingOliverr can be caught via that AIM or below.