September 28th, 2008

[info]cigarettetrails in [info]find_players

My Asia Argento PB over at [info]acclaimed needs a few lines or so! Two specific lines can be found here, but some exes, people she has a history with, work with her, etc. would be fabulous. Bad ass babymomma Kate Moss PB, I'm calling you out! My girl needs someone she can get up to non-good mother and role model behavior with. Or someones.

[info]cleocatra in [info]find_players

I'd love to work out storylines with someone who uses Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Junior, or Ed Norton. One of them might be for this character, Cleo. The other two would be for my other characters. [You would have to join a community for those character. More details can be given upon request]

I'm not all take take.. If there's a community you would like me to join and the PB is someone I'm open to using then it's a deal. However, at the moment I only rp female characters.

Contact info: AIM: Troubled Laugh