August 28th, 2008

[info]spoilsofwar in [info]find_players

Hi there! I'm Dawn, and I play Max Evans and Buffy Summers over at [info]beyondwonderlnd, a panfandom high school game that opens up this weekend. I'm looking for a few characters to fill storylines, and I thought this would be a good place to start! Firstly, I'm looking in Willow Rosenberg's direction. Buffy definitely needs her best friend. We already have a brilliant Xander, and she would round out our Scooby trio. Amy Madison would also be fun to play with since there's other witches in the game.

Max, on the other hand, would love to have a Isabel Evans, his sister, his home, you know? He'd also like a Michael Guerin, second in command and best friend. We have a wonderful Liz Parker, and I'm sure that she'd love a Maria Deluca and an Alex Whitman (and Kyle Valenti would be awesome too!).

Again, that's [info]beyondwonderlnd!